Message from @Wrath

Discord ID: 665033375475564582

2020-01-10 03:20:26 UTC  

congrats, you made a formula, it doesn't mean it exists

2020-01-10 03:20:47 UTC  

yeah fuck your humour

2020-01-10 03:20:50 UTC  

you don't seem to understand that this is not a serious discussion of physics

2020-01-10 03:20:51 UTC  

i'm done

2020-01-10 03:20:56 UTC  

fuck your physics retard

2020-01-10 03:21:21 UTC  

i suck at physics

2020-01-10 03:21:34 UTC  

t. "well ackshually"

2020-01-10 03:22:08 UTC  

If you want to talk physics, do it with me. Not MawLr.

2020-01-10 03:22:21 UTC  

yeah, i'm in house arrest

2020-01-10 03:22:24 UTC  

are you orbited by SIMPs

2020-01-10 03:22:57 UTC  

okay nevermind

2020-01-10 03:23:00 UTC  
2020-01-10 03:23:02 UTC  


2020-01-10 03:23:04 UTC  

works for me

2020-01-10 03:23:06 UTC  

I rest my case

2020-01-10 03:23:57 UTC  

White holes might just be mathematical, but so were black holes for ages.

2020-01-10 03:24:17 UTC  

I'll talk physics another time
I'm pretty iffy on a lot of stuff in physics, especially particle and theoretical physics because I don't know how much of it has been empirically supported at all

2020-01-10 03:24:43 UTC  

for all I know we're extrapolating theories upon extrapolated theories of made up bullshit that only ever existed on paper because the math made sense

2020-01-10 03:25:05 UTC  

I want to practice a healthy degree of skepticism

2020-01-10 03:25:10 UTC  


2020-01-10 03:25:12 UTC  

As always

2020-01-10 03:25:13 UTC  

Black holes still are mathematics

2020-01-10 03:25:26 UTC  

We have indirectly observed one

2020-01-10 03:26:03 UTC  

We have inderectly observed a blob of pixels doing.... something

2020-01-10 03:26:06 UTC  

either way, i'm no expert on the subject but one shouldn't really concern himself with theoretical scientists

2020-01-10 03:26:16 UTC  

smug cunts

2020-01-10 03:26:43 UTC  

This is all too far away and too low res to comment on

2020-01-10 03:26:58 UTC  

you can say theoretical physicists are just writing a secular Talmud

2020-01-10 03:27:00 UTC  

Its like those articles about finding planets around other stars!

2020-01-10 03:27:10 UTC  


2020-01-10 03:27:16 UTC  

All we really know. Is that there is something massive as fuck at the center of our galaxy, that we can't see.

2020-01-10 03:27:21 UTC  

And whats the evidence?
Well, the star kinda blinks at regularish intervals

2020-01-10 03:27:23 UTC  

and le epic science people go <:soy:515271052071534592>

2020-01-10 03:27:26 UTC  

Mathematically we know something is there.

2020-01-10 03:28:16 UTC  

I'll say that observing the wobble of a star, the period of its blinking and the degree to which it does so can indicate the presence of large planets

2020-01-10 03:28:20 UTC  

I see nothing wrong with that

2020-01-10 03:28:30 UTC  

Can indicate

2020-01-10 03:28:31 UTC  

I have a problem with "artist's renditions" depicting what that planet looks like

2020-01-10 03:28:42 UTC  

Its really too far away to tell

2020-01-10 03:29:07 UTC  

And Dasick, they estimate the size of exoplanets by monitoring light output over years. It's not really something we can know for sure because they are ao far away and the light difference is so little. But once you see a large about of data, stars dimming at very exact intervals... you can infer that there is something there.

2020-01-10 03:29:14 UTC  

niggas really be out here guessing what a planet looks like when we can't even precisely pin down its diameter, mass, or orbit