Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 448232712868724738
How much do you have to lose?
I have already lost a lot
The shake has only a few calories
But fills the stomach
I have used it mainly to compensate for big meals caused by some special occasions
so how much did you lose and how much do you have left?
around 9kg in 3 months, from 75kg to 66kg. Around 65kg was the target, so I consider it reached. I will keep the diet, though, so that I can, from time to time, have an occasional big meal with no guilt
i dropped 9 kg in the last 2 weeks
138 kg to 125 in 3 weeks
Great numbers
Most people aren't willing to endure a bit of hunger
I was in some server, talking with some retarded fedoras
Who actually defended that there should be no punishments in education
And tehy all think that before the current system where a child will call his lawyer if you try to discipline is the salvation from the dark age of normal, actually working education
And it doesn't matter how many times they are shown to be wrong, they will call it "anecdotal evidence"
Even evidence that their system is a mosntrosity is anecdotal evidence
The centuries where education has actually worked is anecdotal evidence
These people would say that the sky is purple if they gained progressive points for it
And they would tell you that looking at the sky and seeing it is blue is anecdotal evidence
How are you doing my niggers
Apart from having to endure the aforementioned psychosis of a bunch of fedoras
Pretty well
Don't waste your time with the wrongly indoctrinated
Just got shot down by a pretty lass
Was planning on evangi-dating here.
The voting in Ireland’s abortion referendum will be happening from 2 AM - 5 PM in American Eastern Standard Time, please PLEASE pray, fast and do penance
Daily reminder that abortion is a tool of the patriarchy