Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 500095290481573888
Here just in case you don't know:
<@&273567579946090498> I suspect this chap is an anti-Christian troll
@Romanus Drevo Wasn't paying attention. I must say that i have a weakspot for the Old Believers. Their intricacies about their form of Orthodoxy are very interesting especially because their liturgy is not suppressed in the Russian Greek Catholic Church unlike the Eastern Orthodox churches.
Outside of that they are the main reason i want to learn Church Slavonic as i am probably get a Ostrog bible through their webstore.
@Byzas It is not correct to lump all the Old believers into one category as there are generally two: those without priests (Bezpopovtsy) and those with priests (Popovtsy) which has three ore more branches of only one is to be really taken seriously. Although you wouldn't be bothered otherwise as an Eastern Orthodox i can imagine. And yes they exist inside the 'main' Orthodox churches as Edinovertsy. They are handeld like ICKSP (among others) in the Catholic Church.
nvm, cant ban since im blcoked
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I didn't lump all into the same category, I only compared them to Amish and said originally old believers became schismatic by reject reforms @Wzl
Who is supposed to be a troll there?
Probably the brisbin guy
I've still not been let back in.
I described the host as a fancy cracker because it goes from a normal one to becoming jesus's body
People laughed
Although they got a tad annoyed
Sounds a tad frivolous.
Its not intentional. I have a weird way of wording things
You have to remember that the Host contains the real presence of Christ.
So when you describe that, you are describing our Lord.
I never said that when the host holds the real prescense as a cracker
And tbh prawn crackers are addictive and amazing
They are the meta thing for me
Still, referring to our Lord as such can appear crass and un-thoughtful.
Well i am crass and un-thoughtful
Its the way my brain is wired
Dyspraxic af
You should strive to improve upon that.
I wish i could cure my dyspraxia but i can't
Its just something thats always there
Besides everyone was understanding. They know i am a spastic
They knew and guessed i did not mean harm by it
I recommend attending regular Eucharist Adoration, and devoting a significant amount of time to reading texts about the Blessed Sacrament from various saints and scholars.
That way, you'll be bound to hold the Consecrated Host in a higher regard, and will be more reluctant to speak frivolously about it.
I never said i didn't hold it in high regard
In my mind crackers are a staple food. They are always there, and make you feel better when you are ill
Doesn't jesus do that to? Always there. Helps you feek better when you are ill?sometimes we take them forgranted too