Message from @Constantin le Lamantin
Discord ID: 513085295068053524
Don't try to move the goalposts
Those who rebel against the Church have nothing.
I have class
Luther knew about the Church, about its authority and its divinity, and still spat on it
Now Lutherans try to justify this man by saying how outraged he was regarding the bahaviour of some bishops or whatever was. The point of the Church is precisely that what comes from divine authority is beyond these things, and while he had the right to complain (like priests and bishops complain about the modernist plague in clerics), that is in no way an excuse, because again, the very point of the Church is that no matter how bad someone is, certain things are protected by the Holy Spirit
Certain things like the declaration of Luther's heresies as heresies, just like the thousand heresies before, and the thousand heresies afterwards.
My point in bringing up the OO is that you have to declare them equally lacking in succession since they denied Chalcedon and they attended the council. They knew they were going against the unanimous agreement of the other Bishops and clergy and, in particular, Rome and Constantinople
The debate about Luther and then invoking EO being able to marry is missing the point
Luther was a Catholic monk who had made a lifelong vow of celibacy and then broke those vows and encouraged a nun to do so as well
Married men are allowed to become priests in the Eastern tradition as long as they are married before they take their vows
in fact this is the older tradition and mandatory celibacy is relatively newer
to try and justify what Luther did by drawing on the practices of the East is really disingenuous
Pretty sure there was also a big scandal about Luther saying to a German prince that it's cool to marry a second wife
Protestant movements either began as (CoE), or were latched on by royals seeking, wealth transfers from the Church to the royal families.
E Michael Jones discusses this a lot
Have you read Luther or Calvin?
That's how CoE began yeah
Most Protestant reformers had secret mistresses and children with them outside marriage
And all Protestant reformers taught false doctrine
To be clear I was not saying that Luther was seeking wealth transfers himself, I said that opportunists latched on to his movement, and various other Prot movements for their own end
they, rightly, saw it as an opportunity to...democratize the Church and assume their wealth
Would you date a chick with tourettes if she blasphemed during her tics
If I was willing to date her I would date her no matter what
So it would then depend on everything else around that and if I were willing to date her in the first place
I wouldn't want to pick someone with that but I have my own issues so I'm not sure it's fair of me to demand more normality
I may have a bit of a thing for afflicted girls as well
Hoo boy
I just want to care for them, you know?
Yeah I understand
I've had that attraction in the past
But it made me learn the hard way, it's a terrible reason to pursue a relationship
Definitely is, and what I would consider a valid dating pool has shrunk considerably over the years
and I'd need to step up my shit a lot before I would consider myself reasonable husband material
I've got a lot of years of degeneracy to undo
My dating pool currently is non-existent. I'm gonna have to move to another region or unironically get on orthodox and single
My priest actually met his wife on eHarmony while he was in seminary
That's lovely