Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 515866342897876993
Your God is the pope
Are you drunk?
"According yt you, we can't have the pope as the final authority because he is designated by Christ as the rock fo the Church and has always been given primacy
But you can givve authority to a small group of bishops because the small group of bishops says so
And we place the pope as God because we state his authority gven by Christ"
Yes, I got it
You place the pope as God
Please, go on, keep showing the others the enlighment of orthodox apologetics
Do you know what "according to you" means? Do you know even basic english?
So you will be right on each topic because of the papal primacy (which is wrong)....
But you admit it
That is called the Church
The pope is your God
That is the point of the Church and authority
No, it's not.
@Lao Tseu Takedown Ah, so you believe that the Pope is God?
You just said that the Pope is God
Ah, so you are a polytheist
Exactly what I said
Polytheist, and saying that I should worship the Pope
You are a former protestant, right?
What are you talking about. You just admit the Pope is your God.
You did, too, then
>The pope is your God
So you said that either there are several gods, or it is both mine and yours if there is only one
You know what "your" is meaning?
And you know what "according to you" is meaning?
Two can play the same game
If you are going to try to twist my words in not even a subtle way, then I can do the same, snake
You just admit that the Pope was your god.
It's not a game. You avoid the Aquinas rebutal by claiming the papal primacy. This is the only way out the Roman Church has in all debates. The problem is : your debater doesn't recognize this authority. So you're autistic.
@Constantin le Lamantin Can you please point out where I have said that the Pope is my God?
But let me remind you something: the papal primacy is supposed to be rooted in the Early Church too. According To Pie IX.
@Lao Tseu Takedown Regarding Aquinas, here is Aquinas' wall of text: The problem is you don't understand baic enligh
@Lao Tseu Takedown It is. From Peter, the Rome see has always been given primacy. It has been a thing since then.
No, Pie IX named the Holy doctors and Holy Fathers too. Go read Vatican 1.
What are you even trying to say?
As I asked before, are you a former protestant?
I'm saying the papal primacy and infallibility have to be rooted in the Early Fathers, because Pie IX himself claimed it. Otherwise Pie IX is mistaken inside the infallible definition of the infallibility and the house of cards collapses.
Further than that