Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 515864894847975445
You remind me of muslims who talk about how there is no trinity in the early Church
"That's the truth because it's the truth"
I'm amazed
It's the truth because it is declared as such by the Church of Christ
According to the Roman Church only
According to the one with primacy that has the final word
The one with an actual theological tradition
It is funny, though, to see the ones who brag about how much they hate scholastics trying to give theological arguments against masters of theology, with petty arguments that remind of protestants and muslims
Yes the papal primacy is the final resort to everything, even for the primal papacy itself.
The papal primacy is true because the Pope have the primacy @Lao Tseu Takedown. Didn't you know that ?
The papal primacy is true because Christ establishes it
There's no way to debate Roman Church, they have another god: the Pope. No master what the Scripture and the tradition waste of time.
Your lack of self awareness is amazing
According yt you, we can't have the pope as the final authority because he is designated by Christ as the rock fo the Church and has always been given primacy
But you can givve authority to a small group of bishops because the small group of bishops says so
And we place the pope as God because we state his authority gven by Christ
No, it's not. But the debate was on filioque.
But you conveniently don't call the councils "god" or those who participate in them
Thanks bro
Since according toy ou the councils are authoritative and declare themselves as such, all who participate in them declare themselves gods and are circular
That is pointing out
The absurdity in what you said
You place the pope as God
I mean, did you hit your head?
You re not Christian
Are you so retarded that you didn't even catch when I was presenting the absurdity of what you said?
You just claimed it
I was repeating the retardation you said
Your God is the pope
Are you drunk?
"According yt you, we can't have the pope as the final authority because he is designated by Christ as the rock fo the Church and has always been given primacy
But you can givve authority to a small group of bishops because the small group of bishops says so
And we place the pope as God because we state his authority gven by Christ"
Yes, I got it
You place the pope as God
Please, go on, keep showing the others the enlighment of orthodox apologetics
Do you know what "according to you" means? Do you know even basic english?
So you will be right on each topic because of the papal primacy (which is wrong)....
But you admit it
That is called the Church
The pope is your God