Message from @Quarantine_Zone
Discord ID: 518124360041758730
~~in my edgiest phase I unironically prayed to a pagan godess~~
I bought an assatru horn and some Viking books when I was 15
Use it to drink beer
Use it as a powderhorn
Drinking horns are cool
Been playing with my family tree and wanted to see how deep the rabbit hole went and I came across something beyond heretical and lost a lot of credibility for my tree
>Christ married Magdalene
😡 😡 😡
Yeah, I was just casually scrolling through confederates, English, French, and was thrown a curveball with Jesus 🤦♂️
Need to pray for the person who added this info
I'm pretty sure someone is just pulling your leg now.
Where'd you find all this, anyway?
I think some überprot or smarter than average atheist went to town with the app.
That's almost as heretical as denying semper virgo
What apps do you guys use? Anything I should download?
Would be nice if anyone has an LXX app w/ the entire LXX and a formal equivalence translation. I couldn't find one, so I'm stuck w/ KJVA, NRSV, and a separate Psalms of Solomon app
I use a Russian app, so im of no use
I just use an orthodox calendar app and don't use a Bible app
why not open a physical bible
I use two calendar apps, several radio apps and 1 Russian saint app
Open physical Bible to retain information better
I forgot most of the Russian I learned so the Russian app would be useless
Plus I'm slow with Cyrillic
Run by the Mormons. Thought it wouldn’t be too preachy and BS, but after like 300 years, everything is sketchy
What's tbis
Heresy and false information spread by the Mormons
They’re saying Adam is buried in the state of Missouri