Message from @
Discord ID: 517965606713032713
My edgiest phase tops y'all's
Edgiest phase was Christ was a vegertaian Jewish essene
My less edgy phase I was a non denom with a weird shitlib interpretation of the Bible and lolbertarian political views
Edgiest phase was Bonald Blumpf
Yeah my (((Trump))) phase I went back to being pentie
I still kind of like Bonald Blumpf
@ Any advise for me in terms of Japan? Also, I will going there in June for Study Abroad
@Mr. Byzantium missionary work is apparently notoriously difficult there
I wonder what that looks like
I'm about to write a post invoking the intercession of Archbishop Lefebvre on my timeline. This should rustle a few jimmies.
I'll refrain from meming about sainthood or presumable lack thereof and say I like and respect Lefebvre for what he is/was and if I were a Roman Catholic I would probably be SSPX
I respect Archbishop Lefebvre because he loved the traditional Mass. But while you pray to him, I'll pray for him.
i'm a pentecostal convert
Did y'all ever get ahold of Fulton Sheen's body for examination
My edgiest phase was researching magic and the occult with the intention of practising something when I found something that I could understand coherently and produced objective results
and in the fisher of men's strange way he laid hooks for me to begome
@ChuuniMage I read a bit into magic as well
~~in my edgiest phase I unironically prayed to a pagan godess~~
I bought an assatru horn and some Viking books when I was 15
Use it to drink beer
Use it as a powderhorn
Drinking horns are cool
Been playing with my family tree and wanted to see how deep the rabbit hole went and I came across something beyond heretical and lost a lot of credibility for my tree
>Christ married Magdalene
😡 😡 😡
Yeah, I was just casually scrolling through confederates, English, French, and was thrown a curveball with Jesus 🤦♂️
Need to pray for the person who added this info
I’m starting to hate this tree
I'm pretty sure someone is just pulling your leg now.
Where'd you find all this, anyway?
I think some überprot or smarter than average atheist went to town with the app.
That's ghey