Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 562244689592451082
and they use religion as an excuse
alright im out, got to dip off to uni
catch yas all later
aight see ya
What pranks will we pull for April Fools_
?* Frickin Spanish keyboard throwing me off.
Maybe the real prank was having my keyboard in Spanish mode for homework.
Find your local programmer and replace his semi-colon button with a greek question mark
I live with three computer science majors lol
I think compilers still work with that one
@Bipolar @Uncle Zoob The punishment for apostasy in Islam, just like that of hypocrisy, is death
Спокойной ночи друзья мои
Here is a rather interesting discussion for anyone here that's interested
@Redpill Knight Any highlights of the 1 hour video?
Their are a few, but i dont have them time stamped off hand 😅
Its long, but its and interesting panel
And the final presentation is what we all know, that the consciousness and perception is not a material thing
Depends on whether or not Muhammed practised and promoted it, which he did
But to be honest, he did use "religion" as an excuse
Going to listen to that later today. Does this essentially prove that Soul Sleep is a myth as has already been condemned?
There's more it than that but ok. Though, you'll have to debate that w a muzzie.
I just saw something that wants me to gouge my eyes and rinse my eye sockets with acid
what was it?
some really blasphemous image posted by some fag
about Jesus
Ah, I got many of those
I like to add them to my degeneracy collection
I hide the post instantly and leave the group/unfollow the page
and then I spend 30 minutes trying to forget it
Christ-chan is displeased
(((CIA Agent))) caught in Karachi and 2-3 Islamic State sleeper wells
(((they))) are at it again
Thank you, Inter Service Intelligence for capturing these dogs. Very cool!