Message from @Mozalbete ⳩

Discord ID: 562226475215093770

2019-04-01 01:46:43 UTC  

isn't converting away from Islam dangerous?

2019-04-01 01:46:51 UTC  

not rly

2019-04-01 01:47:10 UTC  

those cases are mostly due to personal feuds

2019-04-01 01:47:15 UTC  

and they use religion as an excuse

2019-04-01 01:48:19 UTC  


2019-04-01 01:48:38 UTC  

alright im out, got to dip off to uni

2019-04-01 01:48:41 UTC  

catch yas all later

2019-04-01 01:48:47 UTC  

aight see ya

2019-04-01 02:30:52 UTC

2019-04-01 03:39:07 UTC  

What pranks will we pull for April Fools_

2019-04-01 03:39:32 UTC  

?* Frickin Spanish keyboard throwing me off.

2019-04-01 03:58:09 UTC  


2019-04-01 04:13:16 UTC  

Maybe the real prank was having my keyboard in Spanish mode for homework.

2019-04-01 05:05:43 UTC  

Find your local programmer and replace his semi-colon button with a greek question mark

2019-04-01 05:24:28 UTC  

I live with three computer science majors lol

2019-04-01 06:28:12 UTC  

I think compilers still work with that one

2019-04-01 06:32:44 UTC  

@Bipolar @Uncle Zoob The punishment for apostasy in Islam, just like that of hypocrisy, is death

2019-04-01 08:54:26 UTC  

Спокойной ночи друзья мои

2019-04-01 10:39:42 UTC  

Here is a rather interesting discussion for anyone here that's interested

2019-04-01 10:47:17 UTC  

@Redpill Knight Any highlights of the 1 hour video?

2019-04-01 10:49:11 UTC  

Their are a few, but i dont have them time stamped off hand 😅

2019-04-01 10:49:31 UTC  

Its long, but its and interesting panel

2019-04-01 11:59:40 UTC  

Finished watching it. Interesting, specially stats and insights into NDEs

2019-04-01 12:00:15 UTC  

And the final presentation is what we all know, that the consciousness and perception is not a material thing

2019-04-01 14:50:20 UTC  

depends on the Fiq

2019-04-01 14:54:42 UTC  

Depends on whether or not Muhammed practised and promoted it, which he did

2019-04-01 14:55:02 UTC  

But to be honest, he did use "religion" as an excuse

2019-04-01 15:40:26 UTC  

Going to listen to that later today. Does this essentially prove that Soul Sleep is a myth as has already been condemned?

2019-04-01 15:50:38 UTC  

There's more it than that but ok. Though, you'll have to debate that w a muzzie.

2019-04-01 15:54:55 UTC  

I just saw something that wants me to gouge my eyes and rinse my eye sockets with acid

2019-04-01 16:12:52 UTC  

what was it?

2019-04-01 16:13:10 UTC  

some really blasphemous image posted by some fag

2019-04-01 16:13:16 UTC  

about Jesus

2019-04-01 16:13:24 UTC  

Ah, I got many of those

2019-04-01 16:13:32 UTC  

I like to add them to my degeneracy collection

2019-04-01 16:13:53 UTC  

I hide the post instantly and leave the group/unfollow the page

2019-04-01 16:13:58 UTC

2019-04-01 16:14:06 UTC  

and then I spend 30 minutes trying to forget it

2019-04-01 16:14:09 UTC  

Christ-chan is displeased

2019-04-01 16:16:49 UTC  

(((CIA Agent))) caught in Karachi and 2-3 Islamic State sleeper wells