Message from @MawLr

Discord ID: 571594519573823530

2019-04-27 05:26:40 UTC  

I thought it was some term used to mock the alt right

2019-04-27 05:27:22 UTC  

No its for non normie right wingers who aren't alt right

2019-04-27 06:59:22 UTC  

Bruh National Socialism was not a Christian movement

2019-04-27 06:59:53 UTC  

And even if it were one, it would’ve been a bad Christian movement

2019-04-27 07:00:18 UTC  

Imagine believing in the Holocaust to own the neo-Pagans

2019-04-27 07:00:44 UTC  

Be honest, you only hate Hitler because Neo-Pagans worship him

2019-04-27 07:00:56 UTC  

No not at all

2019-04-27 07:01:23 UTC  

I actually have a certain respect for people like hitler

2019-04-27 07:01:35 UTC  

He was a good leader

2019-04-27 07:01:42 UTC  

But not Christian

2019-04-27 07:03:08 UTC  

However, the natsoc obsession with biological racism was and is kinda cringe

2019-04-27 07:05:23 UTC  

Man is soul and body

2019-04-27 07:05:44 UTC  

They also understood race from a spiritual perspective

2019-04-27 07:06:29 UTC  

Race is not spiritual

2019-04-27 07:06:57 UTC  

The soul molds itself to the biology that it is in

2019-04-27 07:07:03 UTC  

Same with gender

2019-04-27 07:10:31 UTC  

Vera, as much as it pains, as @Deleted User said, half of the NSDAP were occultists, and it was promoted by these people, it's a hard pill to swallow but it's true

2019-04-27 07:11:19 UTC  

I don't think anyone here hates Hitler and I doubt that a majority of people here believe in the holocaust either

2019-04-27 07:11:33 UTC  

But it's just one of those things one can't escape from

2019-04-27 07:11:43 UTC  

Bruh Hitler sucked

2019-04-27 07:12:33 UTC  

On some things, yes

2019-04-27 07:14:04 UTC  

Ant guy who puts a ton of his population into labor camps then proceeds to exhaust all resources and draft tons of men into a war then cause POWs and laborers to starve to death and die of disease isn't good

2019-04-27 07:15:38 UTC  

I mean, it's not like he bombed the railways

2019-04-27 07:15:53 UTC  

He was the first one to dare try expose the jews and he failed rather badly

2019-04-27 07:16:03 UTC  

> first one

2019-04-27 07:16:05 UTC  

However his effort is recognized

2019-04-27 07:16:10 UTC  

No he wasn't

2019-04-27 07:16:11 UTC  

On such scale

2019-04-27 07:16:39 UTC  

The Christian era of the Middle-East was anti Jewish long before

2019-04-27 07:16:45 UTC  

Cit. Chrysostom

2019-04-27 07:17:08 UTC  

>talking about Hitler
Sorry thought we were talking modern history here

2019-04-27 07:17:44 UTC  

Take it as you wish, the main issue here was that he was an occultist, and that he was

2019-04-27 07:17:52 UTC  

People have been talking about the wrongs of the Jews in all eras of history. Middle-ages? See Luther

2019-04-27 07:18:00 UTC  

Good or bad, up to whoever sees it

2019-04-27 07:18:32 UTC  

jews defo owned the world to the extent they did back in the 20th century back then

2019-04-27 07:18:35 UTC  

He was an occultist and violated Just War Theory on a massive scale. That's a lot of blood on his hands

2019-04-27 07:18:50 UTC  

You're really over-extending the jews thing

2019-04-27 07:19:15 UTC  

And regarding that, well, I really don't know what to say, he did fuck up Europe in the end

2019-04-27 07:19:52 UTC  

In the end Jews still run the whole shit and Germany was reduced to salted fields

2019-04-27 07:20:17 UTC  

You're the one who said he was the first one. He wasn't at all. The statement is incorrect.

Starting a massive war in Europe was a really bad idea even if Germany got screwed after WWII

2019-04-27 07:20:41 UTC  

I know he didn't have the advantage of modern economic theory, but Germany would have recovered