Message from @MawLr

Discord ID: 571598399422464000

2019-04-27 07:21:38 UTC  

I am yet to read large volumes on the subject, so I have no idea

2019-04-27 07:21:46 UTC  

inb4 war economy

2019-04-27 07:22:01 UTC  

That has been disproven as well, war economy started mid 38'

2019-04-27 07:22:20 UTC  

The 30s boom in German economy is notable because the rest of the world sucked due to the depression

2019-04-27 07:22:40 UTC  

Golden Rule Steady State will be reached always over time

2019-04-27 07:23:37 UTC  

It's a principle of culture and resources, including IQ

2019-04-27 07:23:41 UTC  

I'm afraid I have no idea what that is, so I'll refrain from commenting

2019-04-27 07:24:07 UTC  

It's an economics term that refers to growth rate

2019-04-27 07:24:36 UTC  

Hard to explain tbh without getting complicated fast. You taken Calc 3?

2019-04-27 07:24:53 UTC  

Just to recapitulate, Hitler was an occultist, National Socialists were occultists too, it's not some jewish way to control neo-pagans, they were neo-pagans, and one has to come to his own conclusions on Hitler

2019-04-27 07:25:16 UTC  

Calc. 3 is where statistics gets mixed in with Calc. right?

2019-04-27 07:25:36 UTC  

Calc 3 is Calc 1 and 2 but in 3D

2019-04-27 07:25:48 UTC  

ah, well, I have not, not yet

2019-04-27 07:25:51 UTC  

There is stuff with stats you can do

2019-04-27 07:26:26 UTC  

Hey, proddie, it's ok I'll look into it, this already drifted quite a lot

2019-04-27 07:26:49 UTC  

It's rather late and I doubt I'll remember it

2019-04-27 07:26:55 UTC  

Well, steady states in practical terms are a spot at which an economy will rest. In our case, the spot is economic growth rate

2019-04-27 07:27:06 UTC  

Imagine sucking Jewish cock to own the neo-Pagans

2019-04-27 07:27:19 UTC  

The golden rule steady state is the optimal steady state of growth rate for an economy

2019-04-27 07:27:28 UTC  


2019-04-27 07:27:58 UTC  

Anyways the main goal was so Vera could see that his NatSoc boys were actually heathens

2019-04-27 07:28:06 UTC  

It tends to be somewhat calculable if you know enough factors and history has shown that countries tend to reach it over time

2019-04-27 07:28:20 UTC  

You're an economist?

2019-04-27 07:28:26 UTC  


2019-04-27 07:28:29 UTC  


2019-04-27 07:28:38 UTC  

But I also have a lot of experience in microbio

2019-04-27 07:28:49 UTC  

I'm going for systems engineering

2019-04-27 07:28:59 UTC  

That's a good field

2019-04-27 07:29:13 UTC  

I think I'll take an MBA in finance though

2019-04-27 07:29:20 UTC  

Ever heard of SAP?

2019-04-27 07:29:39 UTC  


2019-04-27 07:30:21 UTC  

Well, SAP is a system used by quite a substantial amount of companies for their taxing and logistics

2019-04-27 07:30:29 UTC  

I'm heading for that

2019-04-27 07:30:38 UTC  

Seems useful

2019-04-27 07:30:49 UTC  

Do you know any SQL?

2019-04-27 07:31:20 UTC  

That's one of my university courses so I have to forcefully learn it

2019-04-27 07:31:38 UTC  

However I was accepted only like a few months ago

2019-04-27 07:31:45 UTC  

Classes begin in August

2019-04-27 07:31:48 UTC  

It's really common in business

2019-04-27 07:31:52 UTC  


2019-04-27 07:32:06 UTC  

My coding is limited which is sad