Message from @Wrath

Discord ID: 611406866592825434

2019-08-15 03:38:47 UTC  

there is no base

2019-08-15 03:39:15 UTC  

and you cannot defend sola scriptura with the bible, which is all kinds of ironic

2019-08-15 03:39:54 UTC  

I already posted it but the Bible says Faith alone is not justification enough. So Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide are contradictory.

2019-08-15 03:40:09 UTC  

Faith and works sets works as the root rather than the fruit, it's a valid concern when monastics had gone from men trusting God to send them work to men believing their work was their salvation rather than Christ.

2019-08-15 03:41:38 UTC  

It doesn't justify a lack of works, it just says that without works, you don't have faith to begin with. A tree without fruit is a dead thing, even if it knows the fruit it is meant to bear

2019-08-15 03:42:16 UTC  

Christianity is more than just a belief, it is a lifestyle and behavior.

2019-08-15 03:45:02 UTC  


2019-08-15 03:46:23 UTC  

The problem with Protestantism, is that there are no true consequences for sin. God loves everyone and you can just ask for forgiveness at any time. Where as with Catholicism and Orthodoxy, there is a specific set of requirements that have to be met in order to forgive sins. You have to be truly sorry, you have to ask for forgiveness through confession, and you have to do penance for your sins. Until you do, especially with mortal sin, you are dead. You are disconnected from God. It feels like shit, as many ex prots now Catholics or Orthos can attest.

2019-08-15 03:47:05 UTC  

In fact, in the Orthodox Church it is said that true repentance from sins is often accompanied with crying, because of the absolute demonstration of God's love and mercy.

2019-08-15 03:48:41 UTC  

Sure, you could argue that asking for forgiveness straight from God does the same thing, but then why does Jesus give his disciples, and by extension of apostolic succession, the ability to loose and bind sins in his name? Would that not be completely pointless if you could just go directly to God?

2019-08-15 03:50:22 UTC  

yeah, going "sowwy God i won't do it anymore!!" as if you were apologizing to your neighbor after your dog bited his car's wheels it's not something that shows true repentance

2019-08-15 03:50:26 UTC  

obviously Sola Fide can't be that compatible with the book of James because Martin Luther considered removing that book too, and even called it an Epistle of straw because it adds nothing. it's not like he batted an eye when removing 7 other books

2019-08-15 03:50:58 UTC  

There are no temporal consequences. Sin still weighs on the soul, it still needs to be overcome, which is why we were meant to support one another. The priesthood should always be cheif in that support, but we are no longer slaves to sin. We are oppressed by it, but we are made slaves to righteousness. If we still find ourselves conquered by our sins, it becomes a question of whether or not our faith is real to begin with.

2019-08-15 03:51:01 UTC  

>removing books from the bible

2019-08-15 03:51:05 UTC  

and people defend the man

2019-08-15 03:51:23 UTC  

he just outright pretends parts of the scripture don't exist

2019-08-15 03:51:30 UTC  

There are temporal consequences for sin

2019-08-15 03:51:32 UTC  

how was he taken seriously

2019-08-15 03:51:58 UTC  

The temporal consequence of sin is death.

2019-08-15 03:52:03 UTC  

Separation from God.

2019-08-15 03:52:36 UTC  

Until you repent and confess, to a priest with the apostolic authority set down by Jesus Christ himself in the scripture. You are separated from God.

2019-08-15 03:52:38 UTC  

The deuterocannonical books have always been held in lower esteem, it wasn't about convenience it was a question of evidence. Luther wasn't against those books, they were still read for a long time, they just fell out of fashion as they were too expensive to print for many.

2019-08-15 03:52:49 UTC  

Revelation 22:19

2019-08-15 03:52:50 UTC  

**Revelation 22:19 - Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)**


<19> And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from these things that are written in this book. ```

2019-08-15 03:52:58 UTC  

Im suprised he didn't remove the book of Revelation too

2019-08-15 03:54:09 UTC  

"yeah bro lemme just REMOVE THESE BOOKS FROM THE SCRIPTURE cuz its getting too expensive man yeah its easier this way"

2019-08-15 03:54:33 UTC  

@SUPER MALE VITALITY™ "We can't print these Books because they are too expensive, lets just remove them". Yeah they are expensive, he paid for them with his soul.

2019-08-15 03:54:50 UTC  

look m8 i dunno which denom you in, but martin luther's actions are undefendable

2019-08-15 03:54:58 UTC  

straight up

2019-08-15 03:55:12 UTC  

Martin Luther: Well at least rent in hell is Cheap

2019-08-15 03:55:26 UTC  

curse him for putting the Church through that whole mess

2019-08-15 03:55:26 UTC  

They weren't considered full members of the cannon until after Luther

2019-08-15 03:56:20 UTC  

Scrool down to number 5

2019-08-15 03:56:24 UTC  

They were always considered good but questionable, the books in the protestant cannon were considered most important in the Catholic tradition as well

2019-08-15 03:56:26 UTC  


2019-08-15 03:57:38 UTC  

imagine the bible being the whole basis of your beliefs, then just picking and choosing which books from it survive

2019-08-15 03:57:57 UTC  

"yeah bruh i don't feel like not-stoning-whores today so let's get that one out"

2019-08-15 03:59:37 UTC  

I mean, Jude I think quotes from the book of Enoch, is the Ethiopian cannon the correct cannon? Intercitation does not mean everything cited in scripture is divinely inspired, only that whatever is contained in scripture is.

2019-08-15 03:59:38 UTC  

Hey @SUPER MALE VITALITY™ why do you even care what the Catholic Church says mate? They aren't real :^)

2019-08-15 03:59:58 UTC  

the basis for their decisions are, at the end of the day, completely arbitrary and wholly based on oneself