Message from @Wrath

Discord ID: 612451334792151060

2019-08-18 00:58:12 UTC  

If racism is a sin, then everyone in this server has a one way ticket to hell

2019-08-18 00:58:34 UTC  

im going to church tomorrow and i dont know if its something i want to think about while im there

2019-08-18 00:58:46 UTC  

What Church

2019-08-18 00:59:17 UTC  

I dont think it is. At least I dont recall there being anything to support it being a sin from a biblical view. I'd ask anyone that claims it being a sin to support their own evidence

2019-08-18 00:59:45 UTC  

(loving your neighbour is not a valid point btw. somalis aren't my neighbours)

2019-08-18 00:59:55 UTC  


2019-08-18 01:00:06 UTC  

Considering jews are a race... i think we are good biblically

2019-08-18 01:00:07 UTC  

Galatians 3:26-28

2019-08-18 01:00:07 UTC  

**Galatians 3:26-28 - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)**


<26> for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. <27> As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. <28> There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. ```

2019-08-18 01:00:34 UTC  

Pope Pius XI, Rerum Ecclesia (#26), Feb. 28, 1926: “Anyone who looks upon these natives as members of an inferior race or as men of low mentality makes a grievous mistake.”

2019-08-18 01:00:43 UTC  

If someone is a good person and black that's whatever

2019-08-18 01:00:59 UTC  

But they can stay in their own fucking countries

2019-08-18 01:01:05 UTC  


2019-08-18 01:01:19 UTC  

Or behave when in other countries

2019-08-18 01:01:24 UTC  

also <:thistbh:509858049125646365>

2019-08-18 01:01:33 UTC  

the problem is that neither is reality

2019-08-18 01:01:49 UTC  

I'm all of the above so I'm spared from the day of the rope lmoa

2019-08-18 01:02:02 UTC  

racism wouldnt be so prevalent if there wasnt a genuine issue and observable trend

2019-08-18 01:02:37 UTC  

And it's only gonna get more and more widespread until the boiling point I think. Just a matter of time.

2019-08-18 01:02:42 UTC  


2019-08-18 01:02:57 UTC  

Ending segregation was a mistake tbh

2019-08-18 01:03:15 UTC  

i mean they're practically resegregating at this point

2019-08-18 01:03:26 UTC  

both american blacks and muslims in other countries

2019-08-18 01:03:51 UTC  

That doesn't make them any better. They're just as guilty as the racists they go on about so fkn often

2019-08-18 01:04:28 UTC  

i agree

2019-08-18 01:04:47 UTC  

we'd all be better off as neighbours rather than "coexistance"

2019-08-18 01:04:50 UTC  

"racists" because you can't expect to insult whites with privilege, discrimination, and not expect some backlash

2019-08-18 01:05:47 UTC  

But yes, racism it is sinful and just to make it clear, I'm not advocating for a melting pot either.

2019-08-18 01:05:52 UTC  

@ninjacats what Church are you going to?

2019-08-18 01:05:54 UTC  

My dad is married to a kenyan. I dont support interracial marriage but she is a nice lady at least. However she should still go back and get out of my country

2019-08-18 01:07:01 UTC  

I think if they aint Christian I can be racist tbh

2019-08-18 01:07:12 UTC  

Fuck muslims

2019-08-18 01:07:19 UTC  

no please dont

2019-08-18 01:07:23 UTC  

that would be gross

2019-08-18 01:07:26 UTC  


2019-08-18 01:07:27 UTC  

Brown skinned cunts

2019-08-18 01:07:32 UTC  

just hang them...

2019-08-18 01:07:45 UTC  

The Catholic Church does encourage religious discrimination <:thinksmirk:564102152239185920>

2019-08-18 01:07:52 UTC  


2019-08-18 01:07:55 UTC  

Fist fuck pregnant mudslimes with hand grenades

2019-08-18 01:07:55 UTC  
