Message from @Larbi

Discord ID: 614534601595027492

2019-08-23 06:10:53 UTC  

the acting was phoned in

2019-08-23 07:03:36 UTC  


2019-08-23 07:03:41 UTC  

Phoned in?

2019-08-23 07:13:46 UTC  

That movie was a bit dumb tbh I didn't like the fact that Pikachu was braver than his trainer because well it's Ryan Reynolds as the actor for Pikachu of course he wants to be a badass the end confused bme a bit was ryan Reynolds his dad trapped in Pikachu's body?

2019-08-23 07:14:41 UTC  


2019-08-23 07:53:11 UTC  

Who wants to play some slave Tetris

2019-08-23 07:53:23 UTC

2019-08-23 07:53:49 UTC

2019-08-23 07:53:50 UTC  


2019-08-23 07:54:32 UTC  


2019-08-23 07:54:39 UTC  

Very colonial of you

2019-08-23 07:54:41 UTC  


2019-08-23 12:26:44 UTC  

@Jonathan The Shaman So basically my first question is whether your system as described by you, is able to support the existence of something like the NHS

2019-08-23 14:25:07 UTC  

@AliceHitsBlunts have you played the detective pikachu ds3 game? Pikachu was braver than the trainer because the one that was with pikachu wasn't really the trainer he is the son of pikachu's trainer... detective pikachu is helping him find the father/actual trainer because something happened to him I played the game and mew2 at the end tells
Pikachu that they will find the dad if they don't give up looking I haven't seen the movie yet maybe one day just to see the difference between the movie and the game... don't know if that helped much but I tried

2019-08-23 18:12:15 UTC  

Are you from the UK @Rei Murasame ?

2019-08-23 19:00:04 UTC  

I’m very tired, just woke up, intense night, what’s the NHS? @Rei Murasame

2019-08-23 19:00:14 UTC  

National homeland security?

2019-08-23 19:00:36 UTC  

National Health Service

2019-08-23 19:00:58 UTC  

Single payer, Free access healthcare service

2019-08-23 19:00:58 UTC  

GG @Larbi, you just advanced to level 4!

2019-08-23 19:01:06 UTC  

Pretty good quality as well

2019-08-23 19:01:10 UTC  

@Larbi Live in the UK but not 'from' it

2019-08-23 19:01:23 UTC  

Oh? weren't born there?

2019-08-23 19:02:01 UTC  

Where abouts do you live?

2019-08-23 19:02:12 UTC  

I live in London

2019-08-23 19:04:00 UTC  

East Midlands

2019-08-23 19:04:01 UTC  

GG @Rei Murasame, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-08-23 19:06:47 UTC  

Have you seen my alternative?
Or do you want me to explain what the transition plan would do for healthcare?

2019-08-23 19:07:47 UTC  

I’m not against healthcare, I’m against hows it being accomplished, there are many things to do including taking the lobbying power of big pharma and ending the government sanctioned monopolies that are in place keeping cost sky high @Rei Murasame

2019-08-23 19:08:15 UTC  

Sure, but is the cost sky high anywhere in the OECD other than in the US?

2019-08-23 19:08:29 UTC  

This seems like fixing a problem that doesn't even exist for us

2019-08-23 19:08:33 UTC  

In other words he doesn't care how we do it as long as it isn't forced upon people.

2019-08-23 19:22:10 UTC  

If you take America out of nato, the other countries would have to make up for that, on our account, it is sky high and there’s a lot we can do, and I’m sure theirs a lot you could do wherever you are, but most of the problems come from businesses having the power to lobby government to put things more in their favor, lies bring them to power, and effectively they enslave their competition and the people with the law.

2019-08-23 19:22:12 UTC  

GG @Jonathan The Shaman, you just advanced to level 10!

2019-08-23 19:23:24 UTC  

People are amazingly capable things, tempted by greed and power, we shouldn’t have governance have the power to do these things, then blame it on the things that are suffering the effects

2019-08-23 19:23:28 UTC  
2019-08-23 19:30:17 UTC  

you mention NATO, but if the state is allowed to summarily kill people in other countries, why should it not be allowed to heal them in our own?

2019-08-23 19:30:45 UTC  

I've never understood why people don't see it that way, and I say that as someone from the defence sector

2019-08-23 19:31:31 UTC  

why is it seen as okay for the state to pay me to sell them products that kill other human beings, but suddenly we're in sketchy territory if the state starts paying doctors?

2019-08-23 19:32:23 UTC  

@Jonathan The Shaman To me it just seems like a real blind spot in the 'small state' ideological realm

2019-08-23 19:35:01 UTC  

I’m driving so I’ll respond as soon as I can to each thing separately, healthcare being 1. And nato 2. Then 3. Being a further description into why I’ll make actions like that on various things when it comes to war and the so called policing of the world.