Message from @Hadrian

Discord ID: 410567796322336770

2018-02-06 22:39:07 UTC  

That sounds like a pretty good dealio then

2018-02-06 22:39:13 UTC  

The only MRE I've eaten was US I think

2018-02-06 22:39:16 UTC  

I got halal one's lmfao

2018-02-06 22:39:18 UTC  
2018-02-06 22:39:23 UTC  

Someone just gave me them

2018-02-06 22:39:28 UTC  

Gave me an MRE when I was very very drunk and very very hungry

2018-02-06 22:39:39 UTC  

@Fevs Not exactly a soldiers meal..

2018-02-06 22:39:50 UTC  

It was tasty as fuck iirc

2018-02-06 22:39:54 UTC  

Drunk me loved it

2018-02-06 22:40:23 UTC  

Is the rumor true that the US put's stuff like steroids inside their food so their soldiers get buff as shit?

2018-02-06 22:40:50 UTC  

wtf I need to buy MREs now

2018-02-06 22:41:23 UTC  

>inb4 fev's get roid rage from the US military food

2018-02-06 22:41:34 UTC  


2018-02-06 22:43:12 UTC  

Wait I thought they put saltpeter in them to kill soldiers' sex drives

2018-02-06 22:43:59 UTC  

@Hadrian I wonder how a tranny would react if given a good dosage of that.....

2018-02-06 22:44:38 UTC  

why do that when you could just show them your mom @Hadrian

2018-02-06 22:45:47 UTC  

Fugg sorry I didn't know

2018-02-06 22:47:53 UTC  

anyway back to a happier topic

2018-02-06 22:48:21 UTC  

gas the kikes race war now

2018-02-06 22:49:09 UTC  


2018-02-06 22:49:50 UTC

2018-02-06 22:50:11 UTC  


2018-02-06 22:50:39 UTC

2018-02-06 22:50:48 UTC  

Q: What would you call the Flintstones if they were Black? A : Niggers

2018-02-06 23:06:35 UTC  

Unfortunately, MRE's are expensive 😢 @Fevs

2018-02-06 23:06:57 UTC  


2018-02-06 23:07:07 UTC  

why? they're made to be cheap as fuck

2018-02-06 23:08:50 UTC  

cheap to buy in bulk by the thousands

2018-02-06 23:09:06 UTC  

and the military has an unlimited budget

2018-02-06 23:09:10 UTC  

Because, like Heimbach said at the end of Action, the military spends $200 on an 89 cent gasket because of corruption

2018-02-06 23:10:02 UTC  

Why should they do it cheaply?

2018-02-06 23:10:12 UTC  

They have all the money they could possibly want

2018-02-06 23:16:20 UTC

2018-02-06 23:17:40 UTC  

Is this loss?

2018-02-06 23:30:45 UTC simply does not eat steroids

2018-02-06 23:31:10 UTC  

@Der Jäger You some kinda pussy?

2018-02-06 23:31:31 UTC  

Ummm I guess lol

2018-02-06 23:31:56 UTC  

Technically we consume all kinds of steroids and antibiotics when we eat meat

2018-02-06 23:32:17 UTC  

That’s why big pharma funds meat and dairy lobbies