Message from @Kombat-Unit
Discord ID: 275140441270255617
Not saying that. Just repeating what we've said here before. The progress of Nationalist International has been unbelievable, to describe it with a word.
Full agreement.
"Times they are a-changin"
Hell, we're finally beginning to get something real and National Socialist together here in New Sodom, Canada. Leaps and bounds from the stagnation that set in after the B&H/Volksfront feud in the 90s.
No shit?
>comparing Nige to the alcoholic bloated toadlike cryptokike
Not cool.
All upgrades.
@Kombat-Unit Ye, different direction than street activism tho. We're looking at building a self-sufficient IRL community in rural British Columbia, homes, agriculture, basic businesses etc to be a life raft when it all goes down. Similar to what Craig Cobb tried to do without all the retarded fanfare.
Because of Geography here, very difficult to build, let alone sustain some sort of national movement
We're planning something like that without going into too much detail. If you have several dozen activists living a few minutes from one another, you practically own that neighborhood.
Think of Hezbollah and the theory of parallel state.
We already have popular charities etc
Yep, we've been studying them as well
Building the foundations for something, a nucleus.
You have to have the movement represented everywhere, on every facet of life to be truly able to offer alternative to the ZOG.
Real life services in addition to camraderie. You need some groceries, car fixed, a place to stay, a job with good people? and so on
The community gives to you, and you give back.
Yup, Golden Dawn excels at that.
Btw protip to whoever does your propaganda, it could benefit a little from clarity and cleanliness. You get really far with babby's first Stroke and custom shapes. Sometimes less filters is more.
Cf. National Action/IM stuff
I'll pass that along.
Or at least restrict the filters to the specific layers, here it's kinda all mashed together. It's good, but I know I made the same mistakes when I started out.
This is probably the most complex one shat out, might have gone a bit overboard still. But you can see how the elements remain distinct.
Usually most of our stuff is more simplistic. Stroke the shit out of that MF for those good, thick outlines you see in NA/IM stuff.
good stuff
one should say saatana perkele tho
Very solid work.
Ty. Rn my computer is fucking fried, lurking with my phone until I can scrape enough cash together for a new computer.
"Valkoista Kohinaa" - "White Noise", one of our radio shows on our radio. Covers RAC, NSBM, scene stuff. Good show.
"The Klan saw The Columbians as rivals and were unwilling to organize the White working class."
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Masonic paleocons cannot and will not stoop to "socialism."
heil hitler fellow right wing extremists
WordPress is harder than I thought
What part are you stuck on?