Message from @Kombat-Unit
Discord ID: 346327302314917888
google even autocompletes to "bloom surname jewish" when you type in "bloom surname"
the thing is, they frequently adapt their own names to fit in to their host countries
So lots of jewish names aren't necessarily jews
ntm Harold Bloom (jewish film critic), Leopold Bloom (character in James Joyce's Ulysses based on a person Joyce knew, etc.)
He slew a commie so I'm inclined to think he's a good guy would be a different case entirely if he was, say, lawyer, but as said, we'll see.
but damn dude look at the list of notable people (and their occupations) with the last name on wikipedia
AltRight discord announcements are saying to fund the lawsuit against Cville. Thats fine.
But theyre also saying that their inaction caused the death of 3 innocent bystanders... Wtf?
If the bitch was the enemy or not.. Whatever.
I dont think the helicopter thing needs to be lumped in whatsoever tbh.
I understand the context of putting pressure on the city
AR discord is total cancer, don't ever take it seriously.
Some even suggested holding a vigil to the cops that kicked their ass. Cuz they were huwite.
cucked, but seriously look at the wiki page and tell me it's a gentile last name
vigil no, but we shouldn't go the ACAB route either
That's the mom
Some cuck even suggested sending money to the commie.
Police follow orders. And when we are in a position of power, we'll need them to enforce it
Yeah, but right until the second we have National Socialist state, it's the job of the cops to beat the shit out of you and throw you in prison so hugboxing them is mentally ill.
Look, the NSDAP had to fight the police and eventually replaced most of the police force after taking power and local police bound and strangled the prominent members of the Romanian Iron Guard, they are not on our side.
they're absolutely not on our side. They're on the side of whoever is in power
until the power is us, we need to assume they'll do the bidding of the politicians
These people are too afraid to bust muzzies and niggers but will happily condemn their own people to death for wrongthink or throwing bacon near a mosque, they are going to be the first to go.
And as long as you're not friend of the Jews, they're your enemy.
@Hadrian Great idea!
As I have said so many times and as was proven yesterday, reds are really a minor annoyance, it'll be the cops with most power and capacity to fuck up your demos.
As a matter of fact it would be better for us to leave them out to dry, unless you personally know an officer who looks the other way when white's try to have their own communites or keep their kids safe assume he is not on your side
much like the oathkeepers are not on our side
Spencer meekly whining to the cop "Don't you understand we're your friends only alt right will protect you in the future" was the most cringeworthy shit.
He's changed his tune since then
Spencer isn't great at thinking on his feet
He'll never be in charge of anything else than his little dinner discussions, hopefully.
he's best when he's had time to prepare and think things through
he's always been an intellectual or philosopher. He never wanted to be a political leader and I don't think he's well suited to it
He's not good in action and his talks are mediocre and he's very very moderate and comes across in all interviews as trying to get his opponents to like him, not a fan.
I like spencer and he was trying to be a pragmatist, but if he came out in support of a vigil or other cucked affair I would have no part of it
Besides, when he told everyone to just run out of Cville, that was the fuck up that deflated the rally.
@Kombat-Unit Exactly. If we are to win, people like Duke, Heimback and even Mike Enoch will need to be at the forefront
For the most part they are