Message from @Matthew

Discord ID: 542592904267431977

2019-02-05 23:01:38 UTC  

Our friends were all killed yesterday, as were our families,
Today we might not make it, facing these atrocities,
We'll never drop our banner despite our casualties,
The EDF deploooooys!

2019-02-05 23:06:59 UTC  

Whjy is the heavy mech suit such shit

2019-02-05 23:07:04 UTC  

am I just bad?

2019-02-05 23:42:19 UTC  


2019-02-06 00:16:06 UTC  

I know that light can be used to create mood but God damn it not when it's literally pitch black

2019-02-06 00:17:03 UTC  


2019-02-06 00:18:45 UTC

2019-02-06 00:18:51 UTC  

It's too fucking dark

2019-02-06 00:23:51 UTC  

Holy fuck

2019-02-06 00:24:01 UTC  

Javelin Catapult fucking sicknasty

2019-02-06 00:28:05 UTC  

@NiceBear Today I discovered dodge canceling

2019-02-06 02:28:48 UTC  

nah man

2019-02-06 02:28:54 UTC  

the heavy mech suit just sucks

2019-02-06 04:54:11 UTC  

@Hiruzen now that I can dodge cancel, you are very wrong

2019-02-06 04:54:32 UTC  

We Armored Core now

2019-02-06 05:57:40 UTC  

>We Armored Core now

2019-02-06 05:57:45 UTC  

Oh, sweet child...

2019-02-06 05:57:56 UTC  

... you have not even reached Armored Core yet

2019-02-06 06:30:29 UTC  

@SenPyro do tell

2019-02-06 06:33:09 UTC  

In due time

2019-02-06 06:33:14 UTC  

Do not hasten thyself

2019-02-06 06:34:27 UTC  

For discovery is a process that one must savour as it happens

2019-02-06 06:43:39 UTC  

and you never will reach armored core in edf

2019-02-06 06:45:32 UTC  

but yeah its hard to go back to other classes once you start zooming around as a fencer

2019-02-06 06:45:45 UTC  

except maybe Ranger for his gimmicks

2019-02-06 06:54:44 UTC  

>Ranger for his gimmicks

2019-02-06 06:54:48 UTC  

You mean versatility?

2019-02-06 07:04:55 UTC  

>can't record REmake 2 with HDR enabled

2019-02-06 07:05:00 UTC  

Thanks crapcom

2019-02-06 07:29:15 UTC  

@Millwood nobody wants to see your bogus gameplay anyway

2019-02-06 07:29:18 UTC  

You are a scrub

2019-02-06 07:30:26 UTC  


2019-02-06 07:39:30 UTC  

I showed you my dick answer me

2019-02-06 08:28:36 UTC  

Man what a shitty weather

2019-02-06 08:28:51 UTC  

Perfect to neet and play games

2019-02-06 09:28:56 UTC  

Huoooh next moron to shitpost on fedora's behalf gets a ban

2019-02-06 09:32:21 UTC  

Why is that turbofaggot so O B S E S S E D with shitposting here?

2019-02-06 09:32:22 UTC  

Did you go to jap arcades @Millwood

2019-02-06 09:38:49 UTC  

Once, yeah