Message from @DanEss
Discord ID: 416380619052941353
Nah, that's not weird at all
Fevs is your sister 18 yet?
I'll let ya know
K thx
That girl looks underage
So it's okay
I'm ***pretty*** sure I can legally bang 16 year olds
"Bisexual" means "I haven't been fucked by a nazi yet"
Yeah i think so
Some states it's alright
If there isn't a four year age difference, 16 is fine in Tennessee
Wait so if it's a 4 year age difference is it okay?
Should I expand my search to 14 year olds
Trust me, my dad tried to get my high school boyfriend locked up back in the day lol
Less than
No, at least 16
And no more than four years difference
It should be illegal to be as fat as the girls on okcupid
Tennessee is very clear. Age of consent is 16,but the older party has to. Be 20 or younger in that instance
Yay or nay
speaks engrish
Let's not joke about fuggin nonwhites pls
it's me, Asian asian-face
What does "burn one with me" mean
Smoke weed
Or a cross
Is she klan?
either way, DISAVOW
ask her lmao
weed or a cross
or him
Hey babe, im down to burn a cross in a field or my colored neighbors yard