Message from @fireglow
Discord ID: 385546645116551168
>apple computers at work
who would like to exploit my root backdoor
Ok which one of you jerk offs is ordering so many chink bikes?
D-did they adjust for ubuntu users? I'm normal, I swear.
dual boot mater race
>not using KVM
fucking serpentza again
ok I want to know more
also, nice Chinese hot stuff at the end
she probably rode a fat horse a lot in the past
w-where at the end?
like 10:01
she a qt
it's like he wants chinks to fuck to his ass
I would love to see the leaked home porn tape of serpentza and his doctor wife
What brands of water do chinks have?
Can i order it?
How much lead does it contain?
all of it
chinks don't drink water
they drain money from westerners instead
What is the best way to motivate a chink ?
That works for everyone
I'm looking for the specific ching chong motivator