Message from @fuckthapolice
Discord ID: 385459463127171082
_syncs furiously with Mi Band_
ES File Explorer on that list, huh.
Well, I guess I need to find a new one.
FX from nextapp
ES has been botnet for years
try solid explorer
xiaomi apps are Chinese botnet
surprising no one
the whole internet is a botnet
MiXplorer is the best, also free. It's not on playstore, you can get it from xda-developers
Despite the name it has nothing to do with Xiaomi
>downloading apk from pajeet site
is it free as in freedom
It's free as in syphilis.
stupid pajeets and their foss lmao
foss more like flush the poop
osx best os
for desktop
>apple computers at work
who would like to exploit my root backdoor
Ok which one of you jerk offs is ordering so many chink bikes?
D-did they adjust for ubuntu users? I'm normal, I swear.
dual boot mater race
>not using KVM