Message from @plasticsword

Discord ID: 412262586013450242

2018-02-11 14:44:29 UTC  

So the people living in big cities are hiding out there

2018-02-11 14:44:38 UTC  

i think if you buy coal/charcoal in the US it comes with warnings about never using it indoors

2018-02-11 14:44:40 UTC  

It was packed today

2018-02-11 14:52:09 UTC  

Damn you can't post videos on here? Shame

2018-02-11 14:52:13 UTC  

This one is a doozy

2018-02-11 14:53:02 UTC  


2018-02-11 14:53:08 UTC  

oh cant in that sense

2018-02-11 14:53:15 UTC  

upload to yt and make it unlisted or something

2018-02-11 14:55:07 UTC  
2018-02-11 14:55:22 UTC  

I didn't take this video, but I'm pretty sure it's from my old city

2018-02-11 14:56:26 UTC  

This is a man who has no shame.

2018-02-11 14:56:49 UTC  

how is this not worst than shitting your pants?

2018-02-11 14:58:12 UTC  

Man, he paid for those pants. He doesn't want to ruin them

2018-02-11 14:58:25 UTC  

He doesn't own the bus, he doesn't care about it. And he doesn't know the people around him

2018-02-11 14:58:47 UTC  

I mean, this is the current state of China. This video sums it up pretty well

2018-02-11 15:01:41 UTC  

tbh that isnt the china I know

2018-02-11 15:01:54 UTC  

the china I know you would never get that much room on a bus

2018-02-11 15:02:42 UTC  

Haha this is probably not the busy time of day

2018-02-11 15:02:48 UTC  

And it seems like everyone fucked off from him

2018-02-11 15:03:29 UTC  

The buses in my old city weren't packed when it wasn't rush hour . People usually just took metro

2018-02-11 15:04:19 UTC  

tfw no metro so bus is packed as fuck

2018-02-11 15:04:33 UTC  

people literally get shoved into the bus

2018-02-11 15:10:44 UTC  

Why is it always old dudes or mothers forcing their children?

2018-02-11 15:10:59 UTC  

Why is it never 18-25 year old cute Chinese girls shitting in public?

2018-02-11 15:11:59 UTC  


2018-02-11 15:12:09 UTC  

what a shit tier fetish

2018-02-11 15:12:35 UTC  

Because the young people are normal

2018-02-11 15:12:50 UTC  

It's old people and the children they force that do this shit

2018-02-11 15:14:25 UTC  


2018-02-11 15:14:45 UTC  

I kinda feel where this heading, but don't they have laws against such?

2018-02-11 15:15:09 UTC  

Laws against what? Exposing children in public?

2018-02-11 15:15:38 UTC  

They seem to not give a shit (figuratively), I also saw them doing it in Italy

2018-02-11 15:15:53 UTC  

A mother holding the kid above a trash can and letting the kid shit inside

2018-02-11 15:16:16 UTC  

I mean, Chinese tourists in Italy, obv

2018-02-11 15:17:00 UTC  

indecent exposure

2018-02-11 15:17:14 UTC  

Dunno, we got "Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses" / Indicent exposure fines here.
Quite heavy ones even, depending on case..

2018-02-11 15:18:19 UTC  

if thats true then how do feminist protest in germany?

2018-02-11 15:18:35 UTC  

Why Ärgernis though? What if it makes no one angry?

2018-02-11 15:22:08 UTC  

plastic, well they are protesting then. The rights of protests are quite strong here, even tho every further clarification would probably end in juristical nonsense.
Like exposing your tits on a mainplace and call voices is ok, while storming a church half naked is not.

2018-02-11 15:23:43 UTC  

porco, i guess it was made under the intention that most people would be angered or at least annoyed.
i mean the wording is 50s tier...

2018-02-11 15:25:29 UTC  

everyone in that video dont look happy