Message from @plasticsword

Discord ID: 424841657322569739

2018-03-17 14:04:56 UTC  

Taiwanese electricity is just too damn cheap 👌

2018-03-17 14:05:18 UTC  

Oh so you are in Taiwan at least?

2018-03-17 14:05:52 UTC  

yeah i know lots of chink shit lol

2018-03-17 14:07:52 UTC  

Sounds good

2018-03-17 14:08:11 UTC  

hopefully i can visit korea in summer

2018-03-17 14:08:27 UTC  

Gotta see a bit of Sino myself

2018-03-17 16:01:50 UTC

2018-03-17 18:51:50 UTC  

@porco there better be roast duck sold there

2018-03-17 19:01:28 UTC  

you ever notice chinks all have the same cars

2018-03-17 23:27:19 UTC  

Yeah, BMW or none

2018-03-18 00:46:44 UTC  

@plasticsword Asia has neat car models some only ever released for their market

2018-03-18 00:47:20 UTC  

Toyota has some interesting models

2018-03-18 00:50:39 UTC  

Very comfy and luxurious that one

2018-03-18 03:23:46 UTC  

that looks ridiculous

2018-03-18 03:27:52 UTC  

The guy who ran the weeaboo store in Houston used to drive a jap import. The wheel was even on the wrong side

2018-03-18 03:28:01 UTC  

Couldn't believe it was legal

2018-03-18 06:28:14 UTC  

Some states right hand drive vehicles are legal.

2018-03-18 08:09:03 UTC  

gas pedals are usually the same

2018-03-18 08:09:03 UTC  

its not really a problem tbh
you get used to it in less than an hour

2018-03-18 08:09:04 UTC  

its not really a problem tbh
you get used to it in less than an hour

2018-03-18 09:05:41 UTC  

It's mostly a legality issue due to driving on the right lanes. Drivers are put on the side of oncoming traffic because they're liable for accidents.

2018-03-18 09:21:29 UTC  

Actually both Toyota and Honda have a lot of really cool cars, especially sedans, that are for the Asian market but are not offered in Europe. To be fair most people in Europe prefer station wagons over sedans and many brand don't offer certain sedans in Europe. But those Asian low cost models are really amazing

2018-03-18 09:22:11 UTC  

Many taxis in Taiwan are tiny Toyota/Honda sedans. They look cheapish and old from outside, inside they are like living room couches

2018-03-18 12:14:21 UTC  

in the uk wheel side doesnt matter

2018-03-18 18:25:55 UTC

2018-03-18 19:05:45 UTC  

Chairman Mao praises me for my ability to chat

2018-03-18 19:06:00 UTC  

Would be my best translation

2018-03-18 19:06:27 UTC  

I'm not sure if he's referring to the ability to chat, or an actual chat that happened specifically

2018-03-18 19:06:52 UTC  

My chinkspeak is not that good, chairman Mao wouldn't praise me for that

2018-03-18 19:08:01 UTC  

Could it be Mao praises me for my speech (one that does has happened)?

2018-03-18 19:28:59 UTC  

no I am very sure that it's chat / casual conversation

2018-03-18 19:34:00 UTC  

I'll ask my girlfriend to translate it tomorrow, I don't want to interrupt her. She's preparing for an exam

2018-03-18 19:34:59 UTC  

`sweetie, can you translate some of our Great General's Mao's words to filthy western language?`

2018-03-20 08:57:49 UTC  

tier 3 city people kinda look a bit fucked up

2018-03-20 09:14:09 UTC  

What's a tier 3 city?

2018-03-20 09:16:23 UTC  

China has a tier system for cities based on many attributes of the cities like gdp, population size etc

2018-03-20 09:39:56 UTC  


2018-03-20 09:40:21 UTC  

I thought the coast was all rich and the core dead

2018-03-20 09:41:08 UTC  

But they're all just mostly poor <:thvnk:332928260004642827>