Message from @geldoru
Discord ID: 454851844318035968
patrick little SHIT
Makes the sane dissident right members look bad
their skin is obviously white, how is it dumb to say that?
is it wacist?
People like Nick will be lumped in with Nehlen and Little
i didn't say you were dumb i called you a genius
imma induct dozens of jewish women into my /heeb harem/ and there's nothing you can do about it
Media doesn't give a shit about their differences
go ahead and do that
I don't care tbh
>he doesn't care if someone's committing adultery
I unironically want an israeli gf thanks to Shawn
thats pretty anti white kid....
at the end of the day it is ur choice
The 11th crusade will be resolved when the catholic legion marries all the single Israeli women
lol he's cucked on the race question guys
anchovy is an anti white kike spread the word around
you think it's people's choice to not marry whites instead of continuing on the white race and letting it die?
cucked on race tbh
>thinking I am some TRSFAG who will take this obvious bait
you literally thought we took your "bait" of image spam
tbh though you probably would have sperged out the average (((alt-righter)))
you revealed personal info to a bunch of random nobodies
@Masketta Man nah I was just posting the dest images for fun tbh
so you're a little too attached
uh huh
Be friends with people who have no idea who lucas is. Solid advice
maybe you should take a break
Sort yourself out bucko
clean your room