Message from @Kombat-Unit

Discord ID: 275055788647645204

2017-01-29 00:07:13 UTC  

I've been using qTox

2017-01-29 00:10:55 UTC  

What the hell's qTox?

2017-01-29 00:10:59 UTC  

Hey Parrott

2017-01-29 00:11:27 UTC  

its supposed to be a super secure chat for people who like to pretend they are HAXXORS

2017-01-29 00:11:31 UTC  


2017-01-29 00:11:34 UTC  

I just used Macro's link to check this place out, pretty cozy.

2017-01-29 00:11:37 UTC  

Howdy, Kombat.

2017-01-29 00:11:44 UTC  

aka FB Taisto

2017-01-29 00:11:47 UTC  

I just started it earlier today.

2017-01-29 00:11:49 UTC  

I know you

2017-01-29 00:11:52 UTC  

Oh, I see.

2017-01-29 00:11:54 UTC  

You do?

2017-01-29 00:11:55 UTC  

What we lack in quantity, we make up for in quality.

2017-01-29 00:12:14 UTC  

Yeah, I'm on tons of chats, IM, Natt Danelaw, DS, always some place active.

2017-01-29 00:12:30 UTC  

ive seen you here and there quite a bit

2017-01-29 00:12:45 UTC  

In Disc or FB?

2017-01-29 00:12:49 UTC  


2017-01-29 00:12:57 UTC  


2017-01-29 00:13:07 UTC  

who you

2017-01-29 00:13:24 UTC  

I am the American Blackshirt, back from sperg hiatus

2017-01-29 00:13:30 UTC  

I've posted like once a month max in IM after joining NRM.

2017-01-29 00:13:53 UTC  

Even that might be a bit generous.

2017-01-29 00:14:09 UTC  


2017-01-29 00:14:16 UTC  

Small world huh, AB?

2017-01-29 00:14:21 UTC  


2017-01-29 00:14:25 UTC  

Nordic Resistance.

2017-01-29 00:14:36 UTC  

Nordic Battalion*

2017-01-29 00:15:54 UTC  

So, how's life?

2017-01-29 00:16:01 UTC  

Its alright I reckon

2017-01-29 00:16:16 UTC  

an IRL friend took the redpill and wanted to get into activism

2017-01-29 00:16:24 UTC  

then that torture incident in chicago happened

2017-01-29 00:16:34 UTC  

and I guess that's what inspire me to come out of hiatus

2017-01-29 00:16:36 UTC  

among other things

2017-01-29 00:16:43 UTC  

those two are the straw that broke the camels back

2017-01-29 00:17:02 UTC  

It was once said to me, "When you're red pilled, you can't un-red pill, you'll be back"

2017-01-29 00:17:30 UTC  

When did you even leave? God, it's been such a long time. Before I got involved in IRL activism for sure.

2017-01-29 00:17:37 UTC  

2013 ish

2017-01-29 00:18:06 UTC  

If you would have told me back then about the rise of the alt right, trump the chicago incident, the collapse of "rape culture" and all that shit I would not have believed you

2017-01-29 00:18:08 UTC  

I was semi-pilled when I joined IM, but I took redpill so hardcore IRL I had to do something. Just had to.

2017-01-29 00:18:12 UTC  

Best decision I ever made.

2017-01-29 00:18:27 UTC  

but I dont really think anyone seen 2016-now being as crazy as it turned out to be