Message from @meat
Discord ID: 502599538062786560
Doctor doctor I fucked your wife!
find a cure for THAT!
Legit shid myself
got a vaccine for my weiner in your wife's butthole, nerd????
Fuark you
LE TICKLE my LE picklle
you gotta ointment for my fatass nut i squanked in YOUR wifey
i don't think so kid....
Hahahaha better get some AIDS MEDICATION for your WIFE because I have AIDS and now so does she cuz I BUM FUCKLED HER HAHAHAHAHA GOTEEEEMM
@DavidTheSlumpGod hey faggot stop posting shit animated women
Who the fuck are you to post animated women
@DavidTheSlumpGod Ever been rayped by an ape? NO? Well uif u keep poasting ur 2d gay "women" ypu'll find out!!!!
modelo time
Just harriabel
Le caffine time
@meat no talent
@meat find your own brand loser
you're flat
you can't hold a note
I bet your to fucking scared to slam that axe into the screen
I walked bob's Dillan up on stage in 2009
THIS goon lmao
Who the fuck are you
who the fuck are you
i've known the grateful dead since 1966
an artist respects the silence that serves as the foundation for creativity
Somone run up on this nigga
Taste seems alright
hey buddy check your chimney
9 times outta 10 my steamy steamer log will have been dropped down there
but perhaps u'll get the golden unboxing and receive my limp penis! @meat