Message from @Go
Discord ID: 502599458085928970
I is
doctor doctor gimme the news
i got a bad case of pee pee poo poo
I begame myself
Camed myself
shidding rn
Doctor doctor I fucked your wife!
find a cure for THAT!
Legit shid myself
got a vaccine for my weiner in your wife's butthole, nerd????
Fuark you
LE TICKLE my LE picklle
you gotta ointment for my fatass nut i squanked in YOUR wifey
i don't think so kid....
Hahahaha better get some AIDS MEDICATION for your WIFE because I have AIDS and now so does she cuz I BUM FUCKLED HER HAHAHAHAHA GOTEEEEMM
@DavidTheSlumpGod hey faggot stop posting shit animated women
@DavidTheSlumpGod Ever been rayped by an ape? NO? Well uif u keep poasting ur 2d gay "women" ypu'll find out!!!!
modelo time
Just harriabel
Le caffine time
That guy should do tic toks cause i cant tell if its boy or girl
@meat no talent
@meat find your own brand loser
you're flat
you can't hold a note
I bet your to fucking scared to slam that axe into the screen
I walked bob's Dillan up on stage in 2009
THIS goon lmao
Who the fuck are you
who the fuck are you
i've known the grateful dead since 1966