Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 503646979700555777
like g11
because farming cores is NOT fun
and if you have 6 echelons you want to full strength and you got like 10 of those 5 stars
you need a FUCKTON of cores
also 3stars and 4stars are good
some 2 stars are really cool like SKS
or sorry the chinese SKS
this nigga actually playing phone games lmao
its the most lit phone game ever
9.98-10 phone games suck ass
but the japs figured it out
>he doesnt
bruh why arent you supporting the nipponese economty
because they're a disgusting, vile insect culture
i love insects
they're cute and yummy and make the world go around
i just love to go in my backyard and eat a handful of insect infested dirt
Proud to have helped
racism is #epic
as an #Aquarius I love racism
niggolas jew faguentes
Jugglo few neuntes
''This is not to make Scorpio out to be a dark or evil sign, but Scorpio is the zodiac sign with the most refined relationship to the apparently darker aspects of life.'' hmm makes sense i guess
Pagan be like “your body is your temple”
But then be like “I need some more cheese”
i'm gonna pyook!
finna sniff that belly button
at least she is thinner than majority of americans
positive direction