Message from @Jejune

Discord ID: 525104468786937866

2018-12-20 00:10:37 UTC  

I have

2018-12-20 00:10:47 UTC  


2018-12-20 00:10:55 UTC  

concept: pokimane pits

2018-12-20 00:11:14 UTC  

She kept cucking me by wearing deodorant

2018-12-20 00:11:24 UTC  

I will outlaw that crap. Mark my words!

2018-12-20 00:11:28 UTC  

Gotta catch her after a long day

2018-12-20 00:11:56 UTC  

Also she needs to have cute pits

2018-12-20 00:12:06 UTC  

Like the lead singer of chvrches

2018-12-20 00:12:08 UTC  


2018-12-20 00:12:16 UTC  

It doesn't work

2018-12-20 00:12:20 UTC  

At least she shavedthem

2018-12-20 00:12:27 UTC  

If she's a hambeast then its worse

2018-12-20 00:12:42 UTC  

But doesnt' matter when she puts on deodorant FUCKING STUPID CUNT I JUST WANT TO SNIFF STINKY PITSSSASSSSSSSSs

2018-12-20 00:12:49 UTC  

stretch marks on pits

2018-12-20 00:12:52 UTC  

big yikes

2018-12-20 00:15:05 UTC  


2018-12-20 00:15:24 UTC  


2018-12-20 00:16:57 UTC  

so uhh

2018-12-20 00:17:01 UTC  

how many women have you guys raped this year?

2018-12-20 00:17:11 UTC  

Think you're gonna rape anymore before the year ends?

2018-12-20 00:17:41 UTC  


2018-12-20 00:17:45 UTC  

Zero mister fed

2018-12-20 00:18:47 UTC  

Justin Bieber, an artist? What have you been smoking? The only instrument Justin Bieber has ever used in most of his songs are his vocal cords, and is not something to brag about. The true "artists" would be Scooter Braun, and the numerous nameless execs involved in JB's career direction. The numerous, uncredited "ghost" composers behind JB can also be considered the true artists, too

2018-12-20 00:19:56 UTC  

Well, it's been far too long since my last review of a hopelessly pathetic artist, so here is the long awaited triumphant return.

I was actually told, by a very good friend, to review this artist, so this is the first time I've actually taken a request. Basically, I went out and listened to a few of this guy's songs on youtube, and after hearing what I heard, I can tell everyone this: Stay away from Justin Bieber. First off, he can only be around 14 years old, and that being said, he sounds like a pre-pubescent little twat. His voice is nothing like a hip hop artist's voice should be. (Remember lil bowwow when he came out? yeah, it's like that but minus the skill)

It's true, I do not like hip hop, rap, RnB, or any of that stuff, but this guy is just too far for any normal genre. When you have to fill up your songs with the same word, repeated over and over until the point that you sound like either a parrot or a broken record, then you have to know that something might be wrong with your song. However, I also blame the labels for not catching this stuff, and the radio stations for playing this garbage.

2018-12-20 00:19:58 UTC  

Now, onto the image you all can see when you click on this artist's picture. Does that even look like a hip hop artist? Hell no it doesn't. It looks like someone who walked right out of high school musical. (hate that crap too) This guy, belay my last, this kid looks like he either walked right out of the Gap, or left his house after being dressed by his mother. Come on man, a bright blue hoodie does not really go well with a pink shirt and gigantic sun glasses. But hey, at least you wear the exact same cap that 90% of hip hop artists wear. (now only to see if the sticker is still on top, never really got that crap)

However, let's get back to the musical part of this review. The lyrics speak for themselves. Don't worry, I won't bother typing them out here, you can all Google that for yourselves if you are truly that curious. (Be warned, it's like reading the script for the movie Gili) Overall, I give this artist a 0/100. I find no room to give this kid even 1 point. His music is crap, his style is crap, and his lyrical content is crap. I really hate it when some label thinks that it would be a good idea to put a young kid like this on a big name label. If you are going to do that, at least write his songs for him too, that way we won't have to suffer with a 14 year old's logic on the radio.

2018-12-20 00:21:24 UTC  


2018-12-20 00:21:54 UTC  

didn’t read lol

2018-12-20 00:21:58 UTC  

you don't rape people?

2018-12-20 00:22:03 UTC  

oh boy let me show you the ropes

2018-12-20 00:22:19 UTC  

rape a female and then send me video evidence

2018-12-20 00:22:28 UTC  

the fbi are allowed to do entrapment btw wait why did i say that fuck

2018-12-20 00:23:50 UTC  

discogs is funny

2018-12-20 00:25:12 UTC  

I just want a sexually aggressive latina in heat to take my seed deep into her womb for Christmas

2018-12-20 00:28:19 UTC

2018-12-20 00:29:14 UTC  


2018-12-20 00:30:12 UTC

2018-12-20 00:31:01 UTC

2018-12-20 00:31:22 UTC  

They pressed the same thing on both sides

2018-12-20 00:31:41 UTC  

Justin Bieber has less t than a chinaman but he still got to cum inside Selena Gomez it isn't fucking fair

2018-12-20 00:33:39 UTC  

souljah is suck a hack