Message from @GhostPeyo bopper

Discord ID: 525165544429584384

2018-12-20 04:18:55 UTC  

then marry a non-virgin

2018-12-20 04:18:58 UTC  


2018-12-20 04:18:59 UTC  

my alteration

2018-12-20 04:19:01 UTC  

to my sentence

2018-12-20 04:19:04 UTC  

changing the meaning from

2018-12-20 04:19:08 UTC  


2018-12-20 04:19:09 UTC  


2018-12-20 04:19:11 UTC  


2018-12-20 04:19:12 UTC  

can gold experience give me a new foreskin @Deleted User

2018-12-20 04:19:18 UTC  


2018-12-20 04:19:21 UTC  

oh wait i never lost mine LMAO OWNED AMERIGANS

2018-12-20 04:19:23 UTC  

noah ("""gibby""") made the fun church bumper with the wicked loud techno that says "EVERYONE IN CALI HAS AIDS"

2018-12-20 04:19:25 UTC  

thats requiem

2018-12-20 04:19:41 UTC  

requiem puts you in a constant state of getting ur foreskin removed

2018-12-20 04:19:42 UTC  

wow you got THE gibby from icarly????

2018-12-20 04:19:52 UTC  

have you even seen our show you fuggler

2018-12-20 04:19:59 UTC  


2018-12-20 04:20:02 UTC  

your son is gay

2018-12-20 04:20:05 UTC  

*not again*

2018-12-20 04:20:16 UTC  

your wife...we lost her

2018-12-20 04:20:22 UTC  

just kidding

2018-12-20 04:20:23 UTC  

lol i'm kidding she's dead

2018-12-20 04:20:24 UTC

2018-12-20 04:20:27 UTC  

we didnt lose her

2018-12-20 04:20:30 UTC  

shes dead

2018-12-20 04:20:31 UTC  

za hando erased my chances of ever gettig a gf

2018-12-20 04:20:35 UTC  

ashton is a stone cold chad

2018-12-20 04:20:40 UTC  

but yeah

2018-12-20 04:20:41 UTC  

all women suck

2018-12-20 04:20:44 UTC  

never talk to females

2018-12-20 04:20:46 UTC  

die a virgin

2018-12-20 04:20:59 UTC  

i unironicallt don't talk to wmen outside my family

2018-12-20 04:21:01 UTC  

at all

2018-12-20 04:21:09 UTC  

giving my ex za hando destroyed all my chances of getting a job

2018-12-20 04:21:10 UTC  

I advocate for #IgnoreAllWomen2019

2018-12-20 04:21:15 UTC  


2018-12-20 04:21:18 UTC  

i've completely accepted

2018-12-20 04:21:21 UTC  

im not having children

2018-12-20 04:21:22 UTC  

or a wife

2018-12-20 04:21:24 UTC  

and i'm fine with it

2018-12-20 04:21:27 UTC  

i just might need to @Jejune