Message from @DavidTheSlumpGod
Discord ID: 530206437700403201
uhh epic department?
drank a bottle while sitting in a chair
My dick doesn't even WORK
blonde bitch girls is my waifu though
ow glass shards
A guy walks into a bar
And says ow
a guy walks into a gay bar
and finds it up his ass
reminds me of my crush that I rejected
annoying girls are weird as fuck
on one hand its like
a little sister gf
but on the other
its like'
I feel nothing
you can rape annoying girls better
very true
Im a sociopath
no its true
Im T w I s T e D
sex is better bc you basically hatefuck them every time
that crush started when she called someone retarded on facebook
and if theyre not retarded they embrace it and love it
Can't wait to tell my sons about my love adventures
annoying girls are too annoying
I need to fucking work out and get big holy fucking shit
Cant wait to tell my sons about the weekly sweat discord
so true