Message from @veet
Discord ID: 530206270549131284
Rest in Power @Deleted User
is it good
I watched the first season of that
I like the girl who looks like a boy
yeah nisekoi is great
on s1 15 rn
Drank an entire bottle of fentanyl and watching hentai
very cute and funny
uhh epic department?
drank a bottle while sitting in a chair
My dick doesn't even WORK
blonde bitch girls is my waifu though
ow glass shards
A guy walks into a bar
And says ow
and finds it up his ass
reminds me of my crush that I rejected
annoying girls are weird as fuck
on one hand its like
a little sister gf
but on the other
its like'
she literally went out of her way to catch me riding home
I feel nothing
you can rape annoying girls better
very true
Im a sociopath
no its true
Im T w I s T e D
sex is better bc you basically hatefuck them every time
that crush started when she called someone retarded on facebook