Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 530610891465555978
you all
could have made something great
I'm not telling you anything nigga watch the show fuck
I've seen it
I watched every episode
all the way through
And I've talked
with people who put serious stake into it
yourself included
Like fuck idk maybe it's not for you that's okay
why tf did i just watch that whole yugioh video
what kind of fag proposes in an apple store
bamboo scaffold is a game changer
i have a jungle map and theres a deep ravine and im just like uhh hello nigger? i descend
im being epic mom
Bethesda is actually fucking ill for robbing bug-men with cheap collectors edition shit
Todd Howard must be stopped
Imagine thinking that Bethesda, the company that barely puts any effort into their games, would even bother to license collector's edition shit out to anyone but third-world chinks with the lowest quality standards.
Just found that girl again on tinder from ages ago who looked like Eggy lol
i thought she was just a photoshop of eggy's face on a woman
No a while bac
I stumbled onto a girl who resembles egg
>tfw no eggy gf
Cringe from me
All those old thot pictures make me uneasy with the yellow filter and the blatantly obvious broken home.
Girls from broken homes are good in the sack