Message from @Soridu Snaikku

Discord ID: 532106950121488386

2019-01-08 07:54:04 UTC  

From the storyline

2019-01-08 07:54:44 UTC  

Civil rights were like the final act before secularization of culture

2019-01-08 07:55:14 UTC  

Gen Xers be watching Bill Maher

2019-01-08 07:55:36 UTC  

Civil rights were gay and retarded. Not even just for the whole nigger thing but because it made everyone think that you can revolutionize the world by just protesting a little bit.

2019-01-08 07:55:39 UTC  

And then they swabbed the religious aspect off the narrative of "how civil rights were won"

2019-01-08 07:56:12 UTC  

If by the bible you mean torah.

2019-01-08 07:56:16 UTC  

And now we have an entire generation of mental incompetents who think that because they hold up a sign on the weekends and block traffic, they're hardcore political dissidents.

2019-01-08 07:57:00 UTC  

Many left handed people were killed for trying to meddle in southern affairs.

2019-01-08 07:57:14 UTC  

now it's just "conservative Christian whiteys were holding the black man down and then epic communist asexual non religious Martin Luther king won the rights but we still aren't done somehow"

2019-01-08 07:58:05 UTC  

@Deleted User With or without Jews, America is a diseased, evil country.

2019-01-08 07:58:30 UTC  

@Soridu Snaikku again, the new paradigm in marketing is "civic revolutionaries"

2019-01-08 07:58:47 UTC  

Like that's how you sell anything now

2019-01-08 07:59:01 UTC  

@Steve Sailer Moon Worst chicken or the egg question ever.

2019-01-08 07:59:04 UTC  

If you aren't taking that angle your product will fail

2019-01-08 07:59:58 UTC  

I hope this country fucking burns to death.

2019-01-08 08:00:00 UTC  

Me included.

2019-01-08 08:01:18 UTC  

Industrial/postindustrial America is for fucking queers

2019-01-08 08:02:14 UTC  

"Burrhh build ford tuff bruergh [dumps oil byproduct into water supply]"

2019-01-08 08:02:28 UTC  

[gets Alzheimer's from aluminum foil]

2019-01-08 08:02:28 UTC  

I'm fucked either way, because even if the right-wing turns this shit around by some freak miracle I'll still be a fucking low-test genetic failure.

2019-01-08 08:03:02 UTC  

One chance at life and I touched plastic when I was in puberty.

2019-01-08 08:03:46 UTC  

[sprays kids and food with sperm-mutators for 50 years]

2019-01-08 08:04:43 UTC  

[creates society where the only way to get ahead is to backstab everyone and only pretend to be a good samaritan for personal gain]

2019-01-08 08:04:54 UTC  

"Blah blah where did the civility go?"

2019-01-08 08:04:56 UTC

2019-01-08 08:05:39 UTC  

DEVO "gets" "it"

2019-01-08 08:05:42 UTC  

"The Bush years will forever represent the apotheosis of everything terrible about America to me. It was a time of massive debt-funded expenditure on total shit--McMansions, H2 Hummer SUVs, e-trash like mobile DVD players that was even below iShit in terms of its quality and utility. Spending $120 on a brand-name thong for your sixth grade daughter because "all the other girls have them". Buying $25 Eminem CDs full of profanity, graphic descriptions of rape and murder etc. for your 3rd grade son. All of it funded by unsustainable debt. In between WW2 and Hitler shows on the History Channel (which I, as a young lad during this time, watched a lot of) there were constant ads for home-loans and loan refinancing from companies like "DiTech". The pornofication of American culture really began in earnest during this time; Paris Hilton was rolled out for national consumption around 2003 and that really signaled the zeitgeist of the era in some ways. I went to middle school dances where 13 year olds were humping each other to graphically sexual hit 50 Cent songs and people were worried about fucking theocracy. I remember a lot of divorced moms driving expensive trash cars like an early 2000s Cadillac Escallade, bought by their real-estate developer ex-husbands, they had fake tits and they would drop their kids off at school. The evil little fucks were ruined by the fact that their parents didn't raise them bought them all the trash tech and trash media they wanted to keep the kids occupied. They'd call you faggot and if you actually fought back and kicked a bully's ass you'd be suspended and perhaps sent to some kind of psychological treatment."

2019-01-08 08:05:50 UTC  

Anyways eugencis are based and redpilled and people below certain ranks in video games need to lay down and wait to be included in the Holocaust.

2019-01-08 08:07:54 UTC  

Wish the only escape hatch to life wasn't suicide tbh.

2019-01-08 08:08:25 UTC  

10000 lb piles of broken USB stick MP3 players from China

2019-01-08 08:09:05 UTC  

And exploded overheated rechargeable batteries

2019-01-08 08:09:23 UTC  

And backseat DVD players

2019-01-08 08:09:53 UTC  

and computers filled with enough bloatware almost to be unusable out of the box

2019-01-08 08:10:04 UTC  

Covered with Cheeto /code red grime

2019-01-08 08:10:06 UTC  

Looking forward to sino-american piss earth duopoly

2019-01-08 08:10:24 UTC  

family guy mp4s on a psp with a cracked screen

2019-01-08 08:10:58 UTC  


2019-01-08 08:11:11 UTC  

and George bush saying no to Ariel Sharon and then literally 28 hours later apologizing and beginning a permanent budget to donate 10000000 more to Israel every month

2019-01-08 08:11:28 UTC  

Imagine Havel's Greengrocer enthusiastically sucking a diseased penis

2019-01-08 08:11:36 UTC  

That's your future