Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 534549603752738827
this is the first time Ive heard him mention his children
we will wait
dont get your phone
Richard Spencer btfo you all tonight and you will have to live with that
Paul, I.....
fuck this guy
oh man
I'm trying to find all of my old cursed images related to this guy
looks like i've deleted em
MGTOW Spencer character arc will be epic
hes got a girlfriend
life of a dissident
Richard's inevitable rise to POLITICAL DOMINATION in the US is gonna be the BRAVEST MOST COURAGEOUS STORY OF OUR TIME
i don’t even know what that means, dissident
lmao this guy
@Deleted User I can't tell what you're saying since you're blocked
i can't watch this
its just a whiny baby trashfire
ha owned
Richard Spencer and Stephen Miller were best friends
Stephen Miller fucked the duke lacrosse stripper
@Deleted User Why do you love Spencer so much?
How can you not love Spencer? The dude is a maverick
He's actually a king of all trades @Deleted User
Spencer is a salesmen you dumb kike of course you like him if youre easily fooled
can you believe the gillete ad was created by a ny ad firm run by a women, and guess what shes jewish too, what a killshot
you’re still watching that?
i couldn’t take anymore
the way he speaks the way he dresses is way for him to sell his ideas
i dont even give a shit about richs home life, i rather know who he is funded by