Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 534558410117480468
@Deleted User I can't tell what you're saying since you're blocked
i can't watch this
its just a whiny baby trashfire
ha owned
Richard Spencer and Stephen Miller were best friends
Stephen Miller fucked the duke lacrosse stripper
@Deleted User Why do you love Spencer so much?
How can you not love Spencer? The dude is a maverick
He's actually a king of all trades @Deleted User
Spencer is a salesmen you dumb kike of course you like him if youre easily fooled
can you believe the gillete ad was created by a ny ad firm run by a women, and guess what shes jewish too, what a killshot
you’re still watching that?
i couldn’t take anymore
the way he speaks the way he dresses is way for him to sell his ideas
i dont even give a shit about richs home life, i rather know who he is funded by
If you don't like Richard Spencer you're probably a low IQ individual with less than six figures in your bank account. Couldn't be me.
i am pretty sure you are on the break of homelessness
the girl reading this
@Deleted User no I am a very rich man with a huge IQ
hey man that's funny
thanks for posting that!
If IE were a real fucking activism organization they would have this level optics
Nick Fuentes has been riding this wave for a long time
prepared food as a feast