Message from @SneedFeedAndSeed
Discord ID: 543668414753800214
Im not Alt right
Im just a humble retard
I would be alt right but they don't like jews
I know RLM talked about it once
yo is that chad right
this is revenge for trolling the great chad right
Im mostly here to harvest funny pics
Domer's only fault was that he poisioned the timeline
lost seinfeld episode
newman kils george and steals his skin to hang out with the gang
meanwhile the gang are non bothered by it all
nigga reallys out here capping peee peeee pooo pooo memes
Urine urine feces feces
lucas room amibo
lucas room amibo
lucas room amibo
lucas room amibo
Ngl boys I smoked before this and am having a weird time navigating this discord
shidcat the nigger we should've known
I’m fucking retarded
I don’t get it
Like a model to children
It's ok to be retarded
No like a model for an elderly gay porn site
so true
What’s the pay like. Not elderly or gay but I thay can change if it’s 6 figs w dental
who is the spy?
Beardson has an FBI shirt on in that photo what if he’s the fed it’s been in front of us the entire time
>something a spy would say