Message from @HotGore
Discord ID: 543682645373091842
Wignat overlord is a fucking white guy w a bandana
Gonna go call him a fag on twitter dot com and get banned
he even has gay in his name lmao
>fag was 2X as powerful now that you know he’s an actual buttfucker
saving the white race is a full time job
Why would anyone want to save these faggot people
Tfw you realize he probably set his phone on a timer and then put on a fedora to take an avi
That’s such a pseudo intellectual fucking pose too lmao
wtf is this fag shit
Dudes definitely got some faggot ass bangs he’s trying to cover up
Or a bruise where his adopted daughter (he has no T) who just turned 3 beat the shit out of him for being a cuck
the hosts of the weekly sweat and all the fans are FBI agents
Calling everyone Fed is a way of mocking the alt-right because they think everyone is a fed right?
imagine not being a fed
just lmao
yeah this is pretty tight ngl
my weed is covered by healthcare
there hasn't been this many of us in a movement since the early boom of ufo conventions
Nice ip tracer
i need to lay off weed, it makes me do nigger shit
It would be a shame if I got your ip
look at that
all your diamonds are gone
man i just hate white people so much
the jews pay me so well
when you troll the wignats epic style
looks a wee bit like a chubby plumper to me
on this pic