Message from @naka

Discord ID: 546035585433862147

2019-02-15 18:24:44 UTC  

They generally are militant about it as well

2019-02-15 18:25:03 UTC  

I remember seeing the anton dobson video

2019-02-15 18:25:37 UTC  

Thinking "whoa there's a visibly flamboyant hood homosexual"

2019-02-15 18:25:41 UTC  
2019-02-15 18:25:43 UTC  

Ayo shoutouts to my nigga Pastor James David Manning

2019-02-15 18:26:24 UTC  

Then suddenly see copycats in increasingly unlikely places

2019-02-15 18:27:03 UTC  

Thought it seemed gradual at the time but in hindsight it was jarring

2019-02-15 18:27:38 UTC  

It's an army of tariq nasheeds except without the cool parts and 300x more "we need to put Alexas and google homes in everyone's house & push globohomo much harder, NOW."

2019-02-15 18:27:52 UTC  


2019-02-15 18:28:21 UTC  

lol based

2019-02-15 18:29:08 UTC  

Wow that got dark quickly

2019-02-15 18:29:15 UTC  

Every male I have ever known who has an Alexa is nominally a male

2019-02-15 18:29:20 UTC  

And lol I'll watch that later

2019-02-15 18:29:26 UTC  

Alexa suck me

2019-02-15 18:29:45 UTC  

speaking of fag niggers

2019-02-15 18:29:49 UTC  

jussie is fucked

2019-02-15 18:30:12 UTC  

they trapped him by asking for phone records they already had

2019-02-15 18:30:12 UTC  

He gettig chargerd

2019-02-15 18:30:20 UTC  

and he deleted shit from him phone before handing it over

2019-02-15 18:30:28 UTC  

I had a loudmouth neighbor who got alexa, heard her+kids trying to get it to work for 3 hours one day and they gave up

2019-02-15 18:30:34 UTC  

Literlal who tf is jussie

2019-02-15 18:31:03 UTC  



2019-02-15 18:31:08 UTC  


2019-02-15 18:31:59 UTC  

So at this point it's hard to believe hate crimes even exist

2019-02-15 18:32:16 UTC  

I hate crimes, wtf do you mean

2019-02-15 18:32:32 UTC  

>name Jussie

2019-02-15 18:32:36 UTC  

More like sussie

2019-02-15 18:32:37 UTC  

Like, literally all of them are fake after the original one the ballercaust which irreparably changed bball forever

2019-02-15 18:32:58 UTC  

They said you can't dunk on jews anymore

2019-02-15 18:33:29 UTC  

Nuremberg Dunk Laws were draconian they said

2019-02-15 18:34:30 UTC  

They put up this big wall and some argue they buffed the gym floor too quickly and hastily

2019-02-15 18:35:02 UTC  

thus changing the cultural future of bball

2019-02-15 18:41:42 UTC  

I wish I could advance this joke further

2019-02-15 18:51:28 UTC  

No time

2019-02-15 18:51:43 UTC  

You must contend with this cursed footage

2019-02-15 19:05:17 UTC  

All the "alternative tv" is going down the path of mde

2019-02-15 19:05:25 UTC  


2019-02-15 19:05:55 UTC  

"We came up with a really cool name and promo picture for this thing. The rest will write itself"