Message from @Lying2women

Discord ID: 555894255525298187

2019-03-14 23:21:49 UTC  


2019-03-14 23:21:51 UTC  


2019-03-14 23:21:53 UTC  

Are you fat or skinny

2019-03-14 23:21:57 UTC  

why are you in here if u hate nick fuentes

2019-03-14 23:22:02 UTC  


2019-03-14 23:22:16 UTC  

Yeah not gonna find many people that agree my man

2019-03-14 23:22:16 UTC  

whats goin on in that noggin

2019-03-14 23:22:26 UTC  

He’s a zoomer god

2019-03-14 23:22:44 UTC  

Nick is epic

2019-03-14 23:22:48 UTC  

I weigh like 160 but very low body fat %

2019-03-14 23:22:54 UTC  

It’s a shame he’s damaged goods

2019-03-14 23:22:56 UTC  

I don't agree with Nick on everything but he's very charismatic.

2019-03-14 23:22:56 UTC  

One of the few genuinely funny right wing politics guys

2019-03-14 23:23:07 UTC  

Imagine how much further he could’ve gotten without c ville and all that

2019-03-14 23:23:38 UTC  

If we didn’t live in clown world and nick was a bit more of an ass kisser he could be the next gutfeld or whatever his name is on fox

2019-03-14 23:23:39 UTC  

I’m a lifeguard lmao. Have yet to save hot gurl though

2019-03-14 23:23:43 UTC  

Except actually funny

2019-03-14 23:24:28 UTC  

I don't agree with anyone in the right-wing on everything I'm just waiting to be exposed and kicked out.

2019-03-14 23:24:35 UTC  


2019-03-14 23:24:52 UTC  

If you’re a shill for gun control gtfo lmao

2019-03-14 23:25:18 UTC  

As long as you’re not a pussy you can have pretty much any opinion and be considered right wing

2019-03-14 23:25:27 UTC  

Nah, I'm pro-2A (though I have a fantasy where gun control leads to only the poeple who actually care getting armed)

2019-03-14 23:25:53 UTC  

I’m not even right wing

2019-03-14 23:25:54 UTC  

Honestly in 2019 you’re “alt right” if you have centrist views objectively

2019-03-14 23:25:54 UTC  

I'm not rw

2019-03-14 23:26:12 UTC  

Im just poor and I want better for poor people that isn’t this gay communism everyone wants

2019-03-14 23:26:25 UTC  

You’d be labeled right wing

2019-03-14 23:26:27 UTC  

I'm hyperradically apolitical

2019-03-14 23:26:42 UTC  

"I don't want an infinite supply of Mexicans crossing the border."

2019-03-14 23:26:42 UTC  

Politics are gay

2019-03-14 23:26:46 UTC  

"Oh so you're a nazi."

2019-03-14 23:26:46 UTC  

I identify as a neet

2019-03-14 23:26:49 UTC  

This is why yang appeals to me so much

2019-03-14 23:26:52 UTC  

Even if I fuck life

2019-03-14 23:27:04 UTC  

I identify as a self-hating autistic bugman.

2019-03-14 23:27:05 UTC  

I would only have to work 10hr a week to be able to eat and pay rent etc

2019-03-14 23:27:06 UTC  

Jejune is one of my fav people in this server

2019-03-14 23:27:17 UTC  

I could spend the rest of the time learning a trade skill or working out

2019-03-14 23:27:31 UTC  

I wouldn’t have to grind 60 hrs just to get by and then I’m too exhausted

2019-03-14 23:27:40 UTC  

"1000 dollars isn't that much"

2019-03-14 23:27:57 UTC  

Everyone who says that can gtfo