Message from @BabySnaps

Discord ID: 566102696294219776

2019-04-12 03:23:20 UTC  

What’s that

2019-04-12 03:23:36 UTC  

were u born catholic

2019-04-12 03:23:38 UTC  

or converted

2019-04-12 03:23:48 UTC  

Yeah born catholic. Willingly still here tho

2019-04-12 03:24:02 UTC  


2019-04-12 03:24:11 UTC  

im converting rn

2019-04-12 03:24:24 UTC  

That’s awesome man congrats

2019-04-12 03:24:42 UTC  

What sparked the conversion?

2019-04-12 03:24:54 UTC  


2019-04-12 03:25:01 UTC  

made me think about religion again

2019-04-12 03:25:05 UTC  

i was an athiest

2019-04-12 03:25:33 UTC  

read aquinas and classical theism... convinced me

2019-04-12 03:27:33 UTC  

Good to hear. Whatever works man that’s great. I was pretty lukewarm for a while but I’m all in now. Art actually helped me.

2019-04-12 03:27:47 UTC  

how so

2019-04-12 03:28:15 UTC  

You ever see some of Owen Cyclops stuff

2019-04-12 03:28:22 UTC  

Gonna go put the depression bucket on my head and get the depression sucked out of me.

2019-04-12 03:28:23 UTC  

yeah i follow him

2019-04-12 03:28:25 UTC  

good account

2019-04-12 03:29:23 UTC  

Yeah his art and some other stuff similar piqued my interest and it just progressed. Made me realize how cool some stuff can be.

2019-04-12 03:29:52 UTC  

The bucket probably gives you more depression to sell more pills

2019-04-12 03:30:00 UTC  

hes got the christian aesthetic down for sure

2019-04-12 03:30:19 UTC  

I doubt it gives you depression but it probably makes you autistic.

2019-04-12 03:30:36 UTC  

But I'm already autistic so either nothing happens or I become autistic enough to go on the dole.

2019-04-12 03:30:53 UTC  

This server made me autistic

2019-04-12 03:31:36 UTC  

Sounds weird but one thing that makes you really want to be catholic is when you hear and see stories ab demons

2019-04-12 03:31:58 UTC  

Study that shit and some occult stuff and you’ll want some protection. Hence Catholicism

2019-04-12 03:32:32 UTC  

yeah... u realize how fucked the world is rn.... we look forward to the world to come

2019-04-12 03:32:34 UTC  

I know someone who was semi possessed. Had family live in a haunted house too no joke

2019-04-12 03:32:39 UTC  

oh shit

2019-04-12 03:33:14 UTC  

i dont fear that stuff myself anymore but i fear for others

2019-04-12 03:33:24 UTC  

Yeah I’ve had some crazy life or death experiences too

2019-04-12 03:33:36 UTC  

although i recognize there are demonic spirits more powerful than me

2019-04-12 03:33:39 UTC  

on jah?

2019-04-12 03:34:11 UTC  

Yeah that’s what’s fucking scary. We NEED divine help to keep them away. Our will isn’t strong enough

2019-04-12 05:15:22 UTC

2019-04-12 06:00:03 UTC  

If the depression bucket doesn't make me love minorities in 2 weeks I should get my money back.

2019-04-12 06:46:33 UTC  

Balding? For an incel with no pics up in his twitter that only his mother follows, you’re hilarious. I’m also rich, drive an awesome car and fuck beautiful women, just in case you worried about any other parts of my appearance or lifestyle 👍

2019-04-12 07:15:28 UTC  

Balding? For an incel with no pics up in his twitter that only his mother follows, you’re hilarious. I’m also rich, drive an awesome car and fuck beautiful women, just in case you worried about any other parts of my appearance or lifestyle 👍

2019-04-12 07:23:11 UTC

2019-04-12 07:23:27 UTC  

hey guys *I* am the primary developer

2019-04-12 07:25:26 UTC