Message from @Shredded Chicken

Discord ID: 568598093835010048

2019-04-19 00:40:46 UTC  

When you dropping it

2019-04-19 00:41:16 UTC  

Idk yet shit just got even more crazy and now there's a crew and actors and a director and shit

2019-04-19 00:41:36 UTC  

started out as just a crazy animated thing

2019-04-19 00:41:46 UTC  

Oh woah that sounds cool

2019-04-19 00:42:01 UTC  

So like a short film?

2019-04-19 00:42:04 UTC  

It's gonna be coo

2019-04-19 00:42:07 UTC  

I guess so

2019-04-19 00:42:19 UTC  

You got a synopsis I can hear

2019-04-19 00:42:24 UTC  

the cohesion is implicit

2019-04-19 00:42:52 UTC  

a lot of scenes and segments that could be enjoyed by themselves

2019-04-19 00:43:01 UTC  

But they all orbit general themes

2019-04-19 00:43:18 UTC  

I’ve had a similar idea for something like that

2019-04-19 00:43:18 UTC  

and are strung together with some really weird writing/visual techniques

2019-04-19 00:43:39 UTC  

I’m trying to string together some random sketches I have ideas for into a cohesive story

2019-04-19 00:44:05 UTC  

there's live action scripted segments, man on the street stuff, some 3d animation, adobe motion graphics stuff, some traditional animation

2019-04-19 00:44:48 UTC  

That’s sweet. Lmk when it drops or if you need any help. If I ever get going on my thing you could definitely help if you wanted

2019-04-19 00:44:58 UTC  


2019-04-19 00:45:04 UTC  

it's gonna be a fuckin while

2019-04-19 00:45:16 UTC  

Sent you a FR

2019-04-19 00:45:22 UTC  

we're setting up a shooting schedule

2019-04-19 00:45:49 UTC  

It’s a lot more work than it seems

2019-04-19 00:46:03 UTC  

this thing is pretty like

2019-04-19 00:46:05 UTC  


2019-04-19 00:46:12 UTC  

It's gonna take maybe the rest of the year

2019-04-19 00:46:18 UTC  

Or at least like the whole summer

2019-04-19 00:46:38 UTC  

For sure. Definitely better to do it right than rushed

2019-04-19 00:46:42 UTC  


2019-04-19 00:47:13 UTC  

Rn my main project is working on an indie album w one of my friends whos a music producer

2019-04-19 00:50:27 UTC  


2019-04-19 00:53:55 UTC  

I learned blender just for this project

2019-04-19 00:56:47 UTC  

Retarded boomers turned me more socialist than any DSA rally ever did.

2019-04-19 00:59:38 UTC  

The complete blindness that boomers have towards Trump has engendered more disgust in rural & suburban retards than anything else.

2019-04-19 01:17:05 UTC  


2019-04-19 01:18:28 UTC  

Is this a Common Filth spoof account or real CF?

2019-04-19 01:18:41 UTC  

it sounds nothing like him

2019-04-19 01:18:41 UTC  

It’s a Korean guy

2019-04-19 01:18:56 UTC  

A 1/4 Korean CF fan

2019-04-19 01:19:15 UTC  

all unironic CF fans are not white

2019-04-19 01:19:26 UTC  

it seems

2019-04-19 01:20:43 UTC  

I used to be a fan of his and I’m white but he’s always had his criticisms of white people