Message from @Michael Collins
Discord ID: 599418800252780555
He's a phenomenal rapper
I don't like when he drowns his voice in autotune
otherwise he's great
It's a stylistic choice.
Post autocrooning
Juice wrld slaps
Most ppl I know distort their voice in recordings because they don't like their voice and they're self conscious about it
Doesn't necessarily equal auto tune as well.
i bought some beer that claims to be the official texas beer
Who approved that? Ted Cruz?
i've interacted with eggy in private a bit
he's a nice guy
Eggy seems good.
I have eggy on snap since 2014
Great guy
Eggy actually deserves happiness.
Can't say that for every e-celeb.
shiner bock or lone star?
Ted Cruz approves of Shiner Bock
Listen to death race for love
lone star beer
Lil scuzzy i will rape u
i should pay eggy for a little plug for my radio network
little guerrila marketing and it helps him out
lone star sucks ass but it is the beer of texas
Michael "the big fella" Collins
its also the beer chris kyle drinks in American Sniper
im a mid-tier beer aficionado
i asked eggy for vocals after i showed him some of my mashups and he hasn't responded
maybe he doesn't like em
there's nothing written on the can that says how strong this beer is
i usually like to drink 7% or more beer
get more fucked up for less money and calories
all macro is between 4.2 and 5.4
I drank carlsburg today
most of the calories are from the alcohol because its actually a macronutrient