Message from @Frontshuv
Discord ID: 600832367061630977
David Duke Rubber Mask Nationalism
I'm so mad my download of Yugioh GX got stuck at 99%. I just want to transfer it to my USB so I can watch Yugioh downstairs while I play PSX games
Any yall niggas know where to watch man in the high castle
ill send my address come thru
ill livestream the entire series but only thru instagram medium and it will be of my tv 4.66 meters away out of focus with constant amazon ads inbetween episodes
amazon prime
For free
if you are going to watch zog propaganda, might as well pay zog prices
I want to live in the ethnostate vicariously thru this show
recreate the show with sock puppets and cardboard
sameday delivery
you buy burger
9 inch diameter, no warning just smirk from chef.
you are unable to one bite gulp down burger.
do you starve? or do you get surgery for bigger mouth
(keep in mind in this timeline, the average human is unaware of the concept of smaller bites and pieces)
Amazon prime milk delivery. Your wife is going to have sex with the Amazon prime milk man.
my awakening
how you look giving up argument against
someone with higher verbal iq
Who has high verbal iq?
everyone but me
so i resort to violence
while you spent years honing the art of the blade
theyve sharpened their noses
2019 we're gonna become wignats ironically
2020 we become wignats unironically
can we accelerate that brother
Put on the skull mask
keep your head up king your skull mask is slipping
Tie a metal pipe full of tannerite and nails to an Amazon prime delivery drone
Epic gamer moment
ethnic cleansing of amazon employees