Message from @DavidTheSlumpGod

Discord ID: 615701395017826305

2019-08-27 00:12:14 UTC  

That's why hundreds of years and multiple councils needed to present it

2019-08-27 00:12:22 UTC  

you're wrong

2019-08-27 00:12:25 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:12:52 UTC  

the Bible is incredibly simple and straightforward. And God made it that way on purpose so we could become saved all the easier

2019-08-27 00:12:53 UTC  

Acts 16:
30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

2019-08-27 00:13:19 UTC  

You don't even know what faith implies dude

2019-08-27 00:13:59 UTC  

There's no grand deep meaning in John 3:16 either. Christ is saying simply to believe in him and you will have eternal life.

2019-08-27 00:14:10 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:14:11 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:14:27 UTC  

if you think the bible is too hard to understand you clearly don't read it

2019-08-27 00:14:36 UTC  

God would never want to confuse us or make the Bible to difficult for anybody to understand. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar trying to control you.

2019-08-27 00:14:52 UTC  

you clearly know nothing of faith

2019-08-27 00:14:57 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:15:25 UTC  

do you know how the original translates?

2019-08-27 00:15:54 UTC  

do you?

2019-08-27 00:15:57 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:16:00 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:16:27 UTC  

now tell me in detail what that implies

2019-08-27 00:16:57 UTC  

In Greek mythology, Pistis /ˈpɪstɪs/ (Πίστις) was the personification of good faith, trust and reliability. In Christianity and in the New Testament, pistis is the word for "faith". The word is mentioned together with such other personifications as elpis (Hope), sophrosyne (Prudence), and the charites, who were all associated with honesty and harmony among people.[1]

I believe in Jesus Christ. I know that I'm a sinner who deserves to burn in hell. And I know that ONLY because of Christ am I given the grace to have life everslating. And not by any of my works but by Christ alone. I trust in Christ's offering of his life and that alone is enough to save me.

2019-08-27 00:17:17 UTC  

yes thanks for copying that

2019-08-27 00:17:31 UTC  

that has no relation to what you imply though

2019-08-27 00:17:47 UTC  

if you believe in jesus you'll believe in what he says as well

2019-08-27 00:17:51 UTC  

Yeah it's easy enough to understand the first time. Again the Bible, ESPECIALLY salvation, us incredibly simple that a child could understand it

2019-08-27 00:17:54 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:17:55 UTC  

and in believing what he says you will follow

2019-08-27 00:18:06 UTC  

So what does he say when he says St. Peter is the rock?

2019-08-27 00:18:22 UTC  

is teh catholic church the whore of babylon

2019-08-27 00:18:27 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:18:30 UTC  

possessed by demonic gay priest mafia

2019-08-27 00:18:35 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:18:39 UTC  

heretical pope

2019-08-27 00:18:45 UTC  

pro mass immigration

2019-08-27 00:18:51 UTC  

1 Peter 2
7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,

8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.
peter also calls Jesus a rock here

2019-08-27 00:18:52 UTC  

irish and italian (non-white)

2019-08-27 00:18:55 UTC  

petros is stone and petra is rock
which is why Jesus says "thou art Peter (stone), and upon this rock I will build my church"
rather than "thou art rock, and upon this rock I will build my church"
or "thou art Petros, and upon this Petros I will build my church"
^that's what the Greek should have said if peter was the foundation
Look up the Greek Petros and you'll see it refers to a small rock or pebble in contrast to Petra which would be a large boulder or cliff
4074 Pétros (a masculine noun) – properly, a stone (pebble), such as a small rock found along a pathway. 4074 /Pétros ("small stone") then stands in contrast to 4073 /pétra ("cliff, boulder," Abbott-Smith).

"4074 (Pétros) is an isolated rock and 4073 (pétra) is a cliff" (TDNT, 3, 100). "4074 (Pétros) always means a stone . . . such as a man may throw, . . . versus 4073 (pétra), a projecting rock, cliff" (S. Zodhiates, Dict).
that's why the KJV never translates the name Petros as "rock" because the translators assigned Petra to "rock" Petros elsewhere is translated as stone, as in stoning

2019-08-27 00:19:22 UTC  

And don't forget the NUMEROUS times in Psalms where David refers to God as his rock. And other parts of the Bible where the Lord is called a rock.

2019-08-27 00:19:30 UTC  

that's not the whole translation fool

2019-08-27 00:19:32 UTC  


2019-08-27 00:19:40 UTC  

what do you make of Clement

2019-08-27 00:19:40 UTC  

sry guys but you're not focusing on jesus

2019-08-27 00:19:43 UTC  
