Message from @GRUMPYGAMER
Discord ID: 623847996819505152
Not cool hideo
Tbh death stranding looks fucking gay anyways
Walking simulator
Wastes millions of dollars making 3d model of Norman Reedus dick so you can pee standing up
I think he said the game will get fun half way thru
That doesnโt sound good
I bought this autistic phone game for 5 dollars where you develop a metro line as the city grows
This is the best game ever
There is an intricate balance between the whims of a crazy genius and reality and the studio or publisher or whatever is supposed to kind of impose reality
The problem is that everybody thinks that Kojima can do no wrong so Sony is just throwing money at him letting him go crazy
Letting a madman run free can make some cool shit but it's also a bottomless pit and you need to finally say here's where we hit bottom, you have to meet a deadline
30 minutes
And i become a boomer
I'm a wagie now
It's OK being a wagie isn't so bad
You can afford to buy sous vide egg bites
And if you smoke like 20 minutes before work it goes by pretty fast
Mgs sucks
Games aren't movies
Mgs is good but 5 was half baked because Kojima has it in his head anything he does is Automatically good and then grappled with Konami because it had gotten taken over by yakuza
It's a combination of a guy being up his own ass versus a company owned by organized crime that wants to make as much money for as little work as possible
Incorrect mgs is bad
If you want a good story in video he's look at dangan ronpa or zero escape
Bruh moment
Everything else is mediocre at best
Not everyone wants to read visual novels
If you're telling me to play Danganronpa you're probably going to tell me to fucking read Homestuck you fagg
People who play western games for the story need to commit suicide