Message from @needledick
Discord ID: 624144885380808707
@Damp. venti would rip a fat wet one and you would never be able to go down on her again without thinking about it
Just kidding going down on women is gay as fuck bitch!
His dick smol
now im goin to have the image of venti farting on my chin stuck in my head for the next 2 ish hours
Not enough people are reading culture of critique
Just found out Man in the Box is not on the Same Andreas playlist even though I swear I heard it in game
I’m retarded high right now
your retarded? ok
im high on meth
im thinking in depth psychoanalyzing nickfuentes
i don’t know how to explain it
what are you high on
just weed
sorry is drug talk not allowed in here ill stop
just no weed talk
because weed is for dick sucking fags
alright sorry
you better be
nick Fuentes like
does this thing where he acts annoyed when girls like him a lot like how he was with brittany venti at first
but you can tell he secretly likes it
i Stan shooter
yea that nick thing makes sense
i can’t sense sarcasm because I’m autistic but nice if u rly agree
I could really go for some wyteboi burgers rn