Message from @needledick
Discord ID: 624039368989999134
@everyone nick fuentes is basically just living out egirl tenchi muyo or love Hina change my mind
do what
this racist fucking NEET is fucking super hot egirls and basically you are fucking stupid
Tfw you will never smell Lauren roses feet
Brittany venti is probably unpleasant to have sex with, she probably burps and farts during intimate moments and thinks that's funny
but milkers
i'd have my louis pods in while fuckin her
so i don't gotta hear her voice
i feel like she’d be a decent lay
I think she starfish
she looks like she’d give better head than sex
she probably just takes dick ok and doesn’t rly ride
but if she sucked my dick it’d be better
i would not have to hear her talk
she gotta keep her elbows on the floor
you gotta be in the know to know
Sean please do something they are talking about fornication
theres hundreds of people in here
how do we know one of them isn't a girl
@everyone post your cocks
no homo
Don't at him faggot
ask everyone to send fret pics hahaha
That’s s lil cringe bro
lil cringe is my penis's name, please, call me dicholas
my dick is too big i cant get it all in the shot
I'll take it for you
venti would not fart during sex. the idaf vibe is just an act. when the clothes come off she freak
@Damp. venti would rip a fat wet one and you would never be able to go down on her again without thinking about it
Just kidding going down on women is gay as fuck bitch!