Message from @RoadtoDawn

Discord ID: 509209435777007616

2018-11-06 03:25:46 UTC  

He reminds of a gecko

2018-11-06 03:25:53 UTC  

It's jarring that everything he says is intended to be unironic

2018-11-06 03:27:14 UTC  

I care less about his masculinity, it could be a women and still be a foolish argument heh.

2018-11-06 03:28:33 UTC  

It really irks me, his delivery is that of a teenage girl. It matters because it resonates with young impressionable people

2018-11-06 03:28:44 UTC  

Young people believe him because he sounds like them

2018-11-06 03:29:08 UTC  

@Agent Smith I haven't seen any of his videos but the one but its not Edgar,

2018-11-06 03:30:49 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn I don't think that's why young people would believe him. But i'm sure that can have an effect.

2018-11-06 03:31:09 UTC  

Swap him for an old white guy, no one would tune in

2018-11-06 03:31:52 UTC  

What happens is people that have a certain view will take a video like this, copy and paste the url, and use the url as a rebuttal to your argument

2018-11-06 03:32:16 UTC  

They don't know how to argue, or what the arguments are. They take an article or video that agrees with their views and send it your way

2018-11-06 03:32:38 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn I used to get those types a lot...

2018-11-06 03:33:23 UTC  

The most annoying was always some cuntwaffle who would paste links to Hitchens or Dawkins and then boom, end of argument because “these people are experts”

2018-11-06 03:34:20 UTC  

Yeah one time I saw someone do it to someone in the comments, so I jumped in and addressed the actual points the article said. The guy responded to me by posting the same exact article I just dismantled

2018-11-06 03:34:47 UTC  

He actually didn't know what the article said, because the level of detail I went into requires someone to know their way around the issue

2018-11-06 03:34:58 UTC  


2018-11-06 03:35:32 UTC  

I dunno what to call that even

2018-11-06 03:35:43 UTC  

It’s a level of smug I can’t even wrap my head around

2018-11-06 03:35:49 UTC  

Smug and disconnect

2018-11-06 03:35:50 UTC  

Wanting to argue without doing the research, putting the work in, I suppose

2018-11-06 03:36:13 UTC  

“I’m so right I don’t even need to read the thing I’m pointing to which I think makes me right”

2018-11-06 03:36:30 UTC  

Wanna know what issue it was? Abortion

2018-11-06 03:36:40 UTC  

it was an article about freakonomics

2018-11-06 03:36:57 UTC  


2018-11-06 03:37:13 UTC  

Also, that’s why I get so frustrated with the NYT and such

2018-11-06 03:37:17 UTC  

Burying the leads

2018-11-06 03:37:25 UTC  

at the time I was familiar with the methodology they used to make the points, and I was able to challenge them. Since he didn't know the study or the methodology or the subjects, he was compeltely absent minded

2018-11-06 03:37:26 UTC  

Because most people don’t read past the fucking headline

2018-11-06 03:37:39 UTC  


2018-11-06 03:38:00 UTC  

You're wrong because this headline says I'm right! Because... yes!

2018-11-06 03:39:09 UTC  

“I can’t tell you why, but that’s why I’m right! I’m so right all my arguments are self-explanatory!”

2018-11-06 03:40:39 UTC  

My favorite thing is when they take something you say, and say, "Just because x, doesn't automatically mean y"
They have no points, so they recoil in desperation and play the skeptic

2018-11-06 03:42:36 UTC  

If you don't know what freakonomics is, it's this study that suggests that aborting babies reduces the crime rate

2018-11-06 03:42:52 UTC  

I actually don't recall the years they measured

2018-11-06 03:42:54 UTC  

That’s inherently racist

2018-11-06 03:43:07 UTC  

Because most crimes are committed by black people

2018-11-06 03:43:14 UTC  

See I can argue like a leftist too

2018-11-06 03:43:26 UTC  

but it was glaring enough for me to dig into the external factors behind crime rate lowering, after abortion became legal I mean

2018-11-06 03:43:34 UTC  


2018-11-06 03:43:35 UTC  


2018-11-06 03:43:40 UTC  

I took the arguments head-on

2018-11-06 03:43:55 UTC  

So they do that but not increased gun ownership and lower crime rates